Prostitution crackdown
" Pronta la bozza del disegno di legge della Carfagna: maggiore tutela dei minori e pene anche per i clienti "
(dalla homepage di
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How Do You Know A Wart Is Dying
Low Season
Notizie del Giorno* :
Napoli - Si svolge oggi nella città partenopea il primo consiglio dei ministri del nuovo governo Berlusconi. Ordine del giorno è l'emergenza rifiuti in Campania. Il premier Berlusconi annuncia ai giornalisti fradici per la pioggia di non avere la bacchetta magica: ma farà lo stesso una telefonata per far cessare il maltempo di questi giorni. Per quanto riguarda i rifiuti, i ministri leghisti affermano che la situazione è più grave del previsto: alarm in the back part when Gianni Letta said the Northern League that it was better not to define "waste" the citizens of Naples.
Also in today's CDM, the ICI will be removed on the first house, for a total of almost 3 billion euro from where this money? In this application, the Minister Tremonti said they have them hidden in the cupboard of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2006.
Regarding security emergency (every day millions of thefts and some do not occur at the gas station!) Will be added to the crime of illegal immigration: effective measure? Maybe. It would however be better to invade Abyssinia but better to wait for the season.
Rome - The Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana said in parliament that there would be
to change the numbers 194, the abortion law. But why stop at 194? If this is why the numbers are also "modify" the divorce (if God wills it or Ruini, in his absence), to re-establish that the Sun revolves around the earth and to reintroduce the burning of witches: I do not know what those smoke Famiglia Cristiana, but must be imported.
Meanwhile, the Church says that there would be no incompatibility between the existence of God and extraterrestrial life. They know something we do not know.
Milan - Italian champions Inter are not sleeping on its laurels and has now begun its recruitment drive: Moratti (with oil skyrocketing must have several multiple orgasms per day) has already acquired the leading scorer of the Europeans. Whoever he is.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of insomnia.
Notizie del Giorno* :
Napoli - Si svolge oggi nella città partenopea il primo consiglio dei ministri del nuovo governo Berlusconi. Ordine del giorno è l'emergenza rifiuti in Campania. Il premier Berlusconi annuncia ai giornalisti fradici per la pioggia di non avere la bacchetta magica: ma farà lo stesso una telefonata per far cessare il maltempo di questi giorni. Per quanto riguarda i rifiuti, i ministri leghisti affermano che la situazione è più grave del previsto: alarm in the back part when Gianni Letta said the Northern League that it was better not to define "waste" the citizens of Naples.
Also in today's CDM, the ICI will be removed on the first house, for a total of almost 3 billion euro from where this money? In this application, the Minister Tremonti said they have them hidden in the cupboard of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2006.
Regarding security emergency (every day millions of thefts and some do not occur at the gas station!) Will be added to the crime of illegal immigration: effective measure? Maybe. It would however be better to invade Abyssinia but better to wait for the season.
Rome - The Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana said in parliament that there would be

Meanwhile, the Church says that there would be no incompatibility between the existence of God and extraterrestrial life. They know something we do not know.
Milan - Italian champions Inter are not sleeping on its laurels and has now begun its recruitment drive: Moratti (with oil skyrocketing must have several multiple orgasms per day) has already acquired the leading scorer of the Europeans. Whoever he is.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of insomnia.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Good Balsa Wood Bridge Designs
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Bloating Hypertension
"And if my daughter was easy?"
(two on Italy, Raidue)
If that between 14 and 16 is considered a protected band of Italian television, it is clear that I and the Guarantor, have different ideas on what to keep out of reach of children.
"And if my daughter was easy?"
(two on Italy, Raidue)
If that between 14 and 16 is considered a protected band of Italian television, it is clear that I and the Guarantor, have different ideas on what to keep out of reach of children.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Blisters That Look Like Ulcers
Go with the video
Sorry for the long absence but I was arrested. I was trying to download porn movies from the Internet but instead I downloaded a list of the income of the Italians. I talked with Visco immediately, to prevent things like that comes in again. One can not connect to eMule with the intention to download classics like "Murder, foul " or "Gone with the belly " and find the surprise. What would my children with me? However Visco did nothing to help me (and I've also spent € 1.35 for the call on his cell phone) and I found myself in prison. Perhaps not everyone knows that the Italian prison after pardon has been made much more accoglienti. Quasi mi spiace esserne uscito. E' per questo che non capisco tutta quella avversione di Previti. Vai col video.
Sorry for the long absence but I was arrested. I was trying to download porn movies from the Internet but instead I downloaded a list of the income of the Italians. I talked with Visco immediately, to prevent things like that comes in again. One can not connect to eMule with the intention to download classics like "Murder, foul " or "Gone with the belly " and find the surprise. What would my children with me? However Visco did nothing to help me (and I've also spent € 1.35 for the call on his cell phone) and I found myself in prison. Perhaps not everyone knows that the Italian prison after pardon has been made much more accoglienti. Quasi mi spiace esserne uscito. E' per questo che non capisco tutta quella avversione di Previti. Vai col video.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Should I Wear Plastic Pants
The secret ingredient of Coca Cola
Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Il giorno dopo l'annuncio da parte di Air France-Klm di abbandonare la partita Alitalia, il commissariamento della società e il rischio bancarotta si fanno più concreti. Esponenti della Lega affermano che l'unico scopo di Air France era quello di eliminare la concorrenza di Malpensa. Il Pdl intanto chiede il prestito ponte, per dare il tempo a chi fosse interessato all'acquisto, di analizzare i conti di Alitalia. Certo che se per analizzare i conti non bastano 16 mesi (dal January 2007) I probably should not sell the company to those who have serious mathematical shortcomings.
The hypothesis is still roped in the air, a little 'less than that of the Russian Aeroflot: Putin has enjoyed the spectacle of Bagaglino offered by Berlusconi, but until Aida Yespica does a striptease for the private Russian leader, nothing to do with Alitalia .
If the Italian company will fail, it will be a blow to the employees who voted for Berlusconi. But ever since the disappointment of AC Milan in less than a week have seen Ronaldinho affair
fact "become" to do ...".
Ostuni - A decapitated head of a horse was made to find the study of the engineer Vincent Pomes, Democratic vice-mayor of Ostuni. Now the mafia are well nice, quoting the Godfather. It was not enough, which enter into the Senate?
Rome - Someone has won Big Brother. But the important thing is that this year is over.
Milan - Austria's Red Bull will soon enter the market for soft drinks, throwing the challenge to Coca Cola and Pepsi with his Red Bull Cola. The price will be higher than its competitors and the ingredients are all natural, such as coca leaves, where the law permits. Pepsi will be watching: discontinued all supplies of soft drinks with coca growers in Colombia. Coca Cola instead says his secret ingredient is the leaf but the love of coca, which is synthesized directly by human tears. Have you ever tasted your tears? Sweet taste familiar?
* WARNING: All information herein is only appreciated by 39% of the sample.
Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Il giorno dopo l'annuncio da parte di Air France-Klm di abbandonare la partita Alitalia, il commissariamento della società e il rischio bancarotta si fanno più concreti. Esponenti della Lega affermano che l'unico scopo di Air France era quello di eliminare la concorrenza di Malpensa. Il Pdl intanto chiede il prestito ponte, per dare il tempo a chi fosse interessato all'acquisto, di analizzare i conti di Alitalia. Certo che se per analizzare i conti non bastano 16 mesi (dal January 2007) I probably should not sell the company to those who have serious mathematical shortcomings.
The hypothesis is still roped in the air, a little 'less than that of the Russian Aeroflot: Putin has enjoyed the spectacle of Bagaglino offered by Berlusconi, but until Aida Yespica does a striptease for the private Russian leader, nothing to do with Alitalia .
If the Italian company will fail, it will be a blow to the employees who voted for Berlusconi. But ever since the disappointment of AC Milan in less than a week have seen Ronaldinho affair
Ostuni - A decapitated head of a horse was made to find the study of the engineer Vincent Pomes, Democratic vice-mayor of Ostuni. Now the mafia are well nice, quoting the Godfather. It was not enough, which enter into the Senate?
Rome - Someone has won Big Brother. But the important thing is that this year is over.
Milan - Austria's Red Bull will soon enter the market for soft drinks, throwing the challenge to Coca Cola and Pepsi with his Red Bull Cola. The price will be higher than its competitors and the ingredients are all natural, such as coca leaves, where the law permits. Pepsi will be watching: discontinued all supplies of soft drinks with coca growers in Colombia. Coca Cola instead says his secret ingredient is the leaf but the love of coca, which is synthesized directly by human tears. Have you ever tasted your tears? Sweet taste familiar?
* WARNING: All information herein is only appreciated by 39% of the sample.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Animated Jokes For Cell Phones
"I'm not afraid of itself, but Berlusconi Berlusconi in me."
(Giorgio Gaber)
I was reminded of this wonderful sentence of Giorgio Gaber. What was right. The thing that makes us fear that Berlusconi is back in government after failing the first experience but the consensus that raises at home, at work in those around us. They are people like us and yet we can not to understand them. Why can not they see? But they have to be blind or we who have hallucinations?
I'm going to make me a shampoo.
"I'm not afraid of itself, but Berlusconi Berlusconi in me."
(Giorgio Gaber)
I was reminded of this wonderful sentence of Giorgio Gaber. What was right. The thing that makes us fear that Berlusconi is back in government after failing the first experience but the consensus that raises at home, at work in those around us. They are people like us and yet we can not to understand them. Why can not they see? But they have to be blind or we who have hallucinations?
I'm going to make me a shampoo.
Regal Kitchen Appliances
am very pleased to read that the blame for the return of Berlusconi and Veltroni. Not Mastella or Bertinotti and his companions. No, Veltroni's second Beppe Grillo . And 'his fault that the dwarfs rather than to the left for some time and finally become adults, they continued to do the spoiled children of struggle and the government. E 'fault if while Prodi Veltroni tried to rule the country against all odds, the ministers of the radical protesting against themselves. And 'because of the continuing stand Veltroni and Prodi discredit and weaken the government by eleggere personaggi usciti da un quadro di Pellizza da Volpedo. E' sempre colpa di Veltroni se si è preferito salvaguardare il proprio potere, il proprio particolare di partitino dell'1% piuttosto che il bene del paese. E' colpa del PD se gli operai votano a favore del protocollo sul walfare mentre i segretari della sinistra radicale pretendevano più degli stessi sindacati dei lavoratori. E' colpa di Veltroni l'aver definito Prodi un "poeta morente" e il suo governo un " brodino ".
Ma è sempre colpa di Veltroni l'aver predicato l'astensionismo e l'antipolitica con le conseguenze che conosciamo. E soprattutto è colpa di Veltroni se gli operai ora votano Lega.
Beh, io a Veltroni voglio say thank you for morality, style and humanity demonstrated in this campaign. Unfortunately in Italy does not pay to be good people, certainly would have paid more for a fight and insult but at least Veltroni has allowed us to open our eyes. We are a country in disarray, in which one third of the electorate is terrified and motionless, while the other two thirds continue to dance safely on board the Titanic.
They do not give up, I do. I do not wait for the iceberg.
am very pleased to read that the blame for the return of Berlusconi and Veltroni. Not Mastella or Bertinotti and his companions. No, Veltroni's second Beppe Grillo . And 'his fault that the dwarfs rather than to the left for some time and finally become adults, they continued to do the spoiled children of struggle and the government. E 'fault if while Prodi Veltroni tried to rule the country against all odds, the ministers of the radical protesting against themselves. And 'because of the continuing stand Veltroni and Prodi discredit and weaken the government by eleggere personaggi usciti da un quadro di Pellizza da Volpedo. E' sempre colpa di Veltroni se si è preferito salvaguardare il proprio potere, il proprio particolare di partitino dell'1% piuttosto che il bene del paese. E' colpa del PD se gli operai votano a favore del protocollo sul walfare mentre i segretari della sinistra radicale pretendevano più degli stessi sindacati dei lavoratori. E' colpa di Veltroni l'aver definito Prodi un "poeta morente" e il suo governo un " brodino ".
Ma è sempre colpa di Veltroni l'aver predicato l'astensionismo e l'antipolitica con le conseguenze che conosciamo. E soprattutto è colpa di Veltroni se gli operai ora votano Lega.
Beh, io a Veltroni voglio say thank you for morality, style and humanity demonstrated in this campaign. Unfortunately in Italy does not pay to be good people, certainly would have paid more for a fight and insult but at least Veltroni has allowed us to open our eyes. We are a country in disarray, in which one third of the electorate is terrified and motionless, while the other two thirds continue to dance safely on board the Titanic.
They do not give up, I do. I do not wait for the iceberg.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Implantation Bleeding Or Infection
I do not feel Italian
If you come down the street stopped by a 22 year old who insulted by the mere fact of being Italian, do not worry. Is it just me who mourn.
If you come down the street stopped by a 22 year old who insulted by the mere fact of being Italian, do not worry. Is it just me who mourn.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Does Cvs Have Halloween Costumes
Sunday and Monday to vote for the renewal of the House and Senate. Personally I will vote for the Democratic Party and thus prime candidate Walter Veltroni. I have since confirmed this last night during his speech in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna. Veltroni has touched many issues, from job insecurity as the initial target of action of his government to fight the mafia.
do not want to elaborate on the election campaign, I imagine the readers of this blog are already well informed about national political issues.
One thing I must say. In the case of Veltroni's victory in both houses of Parliament, for the first time the center-left could govern without excuse: it could really last five years and to complete its program.
Those who wish to abstain think of this, a last chance for our political class. Refrain means do not give a signal to political means to return the country to Berlusconi, the Calderoli, the Gasparri, the Round, to Cuffaro, laws ad personam, the amnesties, the horns, to Bush's wars.
I would have more material to update the blog but I fear that Dell'Utri find out where I live and rewrite all of my post.
Mangano was a hero.
... See! Have you started!
Sunday and Monday to vote for the renewal of the House and Senate. Personally I will vote for the Democratic Party and thus prime candidate Walter Veltroni. I have since confirmed this last night during his speech in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna. Veltroni has touched many issues, from job insecurity as the initial target of action of his government to fight the mafia.
do not want to elaborate on the election campaign, I imagine the readers of this blog are already well informed about national political issues.
One thing I must say. In the case of Veltroni's victory in both houses of Parliament, for the first time the center-left could govern without excuse: it could really last five years and to complete its program.
Those who wish to abstain think of this, a last chance for our political class. Refrain means do not give a signal to political means to return the country to Berlusconi, the Calderoli, the Gasparri, the Round, to Cuffaro, laws ad personam, the amnesties, the horns, to Bush's wars.
I would have more material to update the blog but I fear that Dell'Utri find out where I live and rewrite all of my post.
Mangano was a hero.
... See! Have you started!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wind Gererator Companys
" Marcello Dell'Utri right, Mangano was a hero."
(Silvio Berlusconi)
Che spasso, eh?
" Marcello Dell'Utri right, Mangano was a hero."
(Silvio Berlusconi)
Che spasso, eh?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hollister At Woodbury Commons?
When reality ...
Ha ragione Antonio Albanese.
Ormai la realtà ha superato di gran lunga la fantasia. Se Berlusconi iniziasse a portare anche una barba posticcia, sarebbe identico a Woody Allen in "Bananas".
Ha ragione Antonio Albanese.
Ormai la realtà ha superato di gran lunga la fantasia. Se Berlusconi iniziasse a portare anche una barba posticcia, sarebbe identico a Woody Allen in "Bananas".
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wide Fit Shoes In Ottawa
Yes, hello!
Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Berlusconi annuncia che dopo la vittoria dovrà compiere scelte impopolari: nominare Bossi ministro è sicuramente una scelta impopolare ma non si riferisce a questo. Lui precisa: " aboliremo le
provinces, we a tough fight against tax evasion, reduce the seats of political . "Now, if Berlusconi did not know (you remember the summer of 85 in Panama!) swear that began the invasion of the Body Snatchers and Silvio has been replaced by an alien.
As for the climbers Alitalia, still no sign in sight, but I trust Berlusconi, for that buy thousands of Alitalia shares.
Veltroni does not care instead of his main opponent and strongly attacked the Mafia and Camorra: " Do not vote for the Democratic Party ." The usual left self-destructive, that never wants to govern.
final note should be devoted to the comparison seems that TV will not: How strange, every time that Berlusconi is ahead in the polls, does not make the televised debate. But what are you afraid of? What Mentana Vespa or get out of the trance and remember to be journalists? Yes, hello!
Rome - Inflation in March was rocketed to 3.3% from 2.9% in February, climbing to the highest level since September 1996: increases in energy costs in particular, but not to worry, when between 10 years we will have peaceful nuclear power. The important thing is to survive 10 years.
London - Kate Moss has set the date of his marriage to the beginning of September. The bridegroom is a roll of pounds.
* WARNING: All information herein is for you. Whoever you be.
Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Berlusconi annuncia che dopo la vittoria dovrà compiere scelte impopolari: nominare Bossi ministro è sicuramente una scelta impopolare ma non si riferisce a questo. Lui precisa: " aboliremo le

As for the climbers Alitalia, still no sign in sight, but I trust Berlusconi, for that buy thousands of Alitalia shares.
Veltroni does not care instead of his main opponent and strongly attacked the Mafia and Camorra: " Do not vote for the Democratic Party ." The usual left self-destructive, that never wants to govern.
final note should be devoted to the comparison seems that TV will not: How strange, every time that Berlusconi is ahead in the polls, does not make the televised debate. But what are you afraid of? What Mentana Vespa or get out of the trance and remember to be journalists? Yes, hello!
Rome - Inflation in March was rocketed to 3.3% from 2.9% in February, climbing to the highest level since September 1996: increases in energy costs in particular, but not to worry, when between 10 years we will have peaceful nuclear power. The important thing is to survive 10 years.
London - Kate Moss has set the date of his marriage to the beginning of September. The bridegroom is a roll of pounds.
* WARNING: All information herein is for you. Whoever you be.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Aluminum Floor For Boat
Fernovus Saratoga:
At first glance, the meaning of this advertising is that if you have a rusty railing, you hardly can make a triangle sex with your wife and your uninhibited maid Giovanna. On the other hand is quite rare to find the beautiful wife of a wealthy man is willing, not only daring erotic games with the maid, but also to pass the anti-rust paint green alien, rather than go shopping with the gold card of the poor husband.
After this analysis can be deduced that if repainting your railing with Fernovus Saratoga, you'll probably hallucinating visions with a background of sax from porn films, due to the toxicity of the product.
Fernovus Saratoga:
At first glance, the meaning of this advertising is that if you have a rusty railing, you hardly can make a triangle sex with your wife and your uninhibited maid Giovanna. On the other hand is quite rare to find the beautiful wife of a wealthy man is willing, not only daring erotic games with the maid, but also to pass the anti-rust paint green alien, rather than go shopping with the gold card of the poor husband.
After this analysis can be deduced that if repainting your railing with Fernovus Saratoga, you'll probably hallucinating visions with a background of sax from porn films, due to the toxicity of the product.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Abscess After Root Canal
Precarious? Here's the solution!
What a fool, as I did not think about it before? If my problem is the insecurity, lack of job security, fear of the future, they could not pay the mututo, that I can not afford to have children, today there is a solution! Spouse
Berlusconi's daughter!
I take notice, it reminds me less the father. Where do I vote?
What a fool, as I did not think about it before? If my problem is the insecurity, lack of job security, fear of the future, they could not pay the mututo, that I can not afford to have children, today there is a solution! Spouse
Berlusconi's daughter!
I take notice, it reminds me less the father. Where do I vote?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Actress Neetu Singh Boob
Dignity Mandatory
* News of the Day:
Milan - From the stage of Palalido, Berlusconi yesterday he harangued his supporters with a memorable speech, culminating in the tearing of the program PD: he wanted to burn through the crowd with a puppet the appearance of Veltroni, but it seems to letters found in bad taste. Veltroni, for his part says, "We do not how the programs of the opponents, read them and respect them . I do not know if Veltroni will be able to really win, but to see that Tyson beat Gandhi is a hoot. Also on stage at the Palalido, it was revealed Gianfranco Fini: very elegant and distinguished, well at home, she served the tea with a unique skill. Casini spoke of replicant. The Santanchè depicts him as a valley. Well wrong. Fini
now the butler of wealthy widower, who hopes to inherit all the loot of the old but that does not know that he will leave everything to a Letteronza.
Seriously, you are consuming at this time a real tragedy. Boselli, deeply touched by this human case, has chosen to offer a seat in Parliament to the poor Mastella, after he was duped by Berlusconi. Oscar Wilde would not have been able to write a more grotesque comedy, full of prima donnas so ridiculous.
In PD, however, things return to calm after the excesses of panels: Veltroni took the bull by the horns and has convinced Bonino close to the radical leader of the loft in a closet. If you're wondering, Mark is on holiday in Timbuktu.
Pictured: Berlusconi asks the Lord to extend the assumption to heaven.
Vatican City - Pope launches his appeal for another Italian company, "Dignity to humans, although embryo or in a coma." Although Luke Juror? However, it must respect human life and allow an embryo to become a man: so will die a natural death on a street in an industrial plant, in a war, homosexual suicide because of degenerative diseases because it can not be doing research on stem cells. This is dignity!
Rome - Moana Pozzi will live in a drama directed by Marco Ponti and produced by Sky Cinema Polivideo. You want to strip the character off the set, illuminating the human stories, the plots personal, family and sentimental emotions. I'll be the usual senitmentale but I prefer the character laid bare on the set.
* WARNING: All information herein is for personal use.
* News of the Day:
Milan - From the stage of Palalido, Berlusconi yesterday he harangued his supporters with a memorable speech, culminating in the tearing of the program PD: he wanted to burn through the crowd with a puppet the appearance of Veltroni, but it seems to letters found in bad taste. Veltroni, for his part says, "We do not how the programs of the opponents, read them and respect them . I do not know if Veltroni will be able to really win, but to see that Tyson beat Gandhi is a hoot. Also on stage at the Palalido, it was revealed Gianfranco Fini: very elegant and distinguished, well at home, she served the tea with a unique skill. Casini spoke of replicant. The Santanchè depicts him as a valley. Well wrong. Fini
Seriously, you are consuming at this time a real tragedy. Boselli, deeply touched by this human case, has chosen to offer a seat in Parliament to the poor Mastella, after he was duped by Berlusconi. Oscar Wilde would not have been able to write a more grotesque comedy, full of prima donnas so ridiculous.
In PD, however, things return to calm after the excesses of panels: Veltroni took the bull by the horns and has convinced Bonino close to the radical leader of the loft in a closet. If you're wondering, Mark is on holiday in Timbuktu.
Pictured: Berlusconi asks the Lord to extend the assumption to heaven.
Vatican City - Pope launches his appeal for another Italian company, "Dignity to humans, although embryo or in a coma." Although Luke Juror? However, it must respect human life and allow an embryo to become a man: so will die a natural death on a street in an industrial plant, in a war, homosexual suicide because of degenerative diseases because it can not be doing research on stem cells. This is dignity!
Rome - Moana Pozzi will live in a drama directed by Marco Ponti and produced by Sky Cinema Polivideo. You want to strip the character off the set, illuminating the human stories, the plots personal, family and sentimental emotions. I'll be the usual senitmentale but I prefer the character laid bare on the set.
* WARNING: All information herein is for personal use.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Taylor Yogurt Machines
Know what?
Did you know ...
... the wheel of fortune was brought to Italy by Mike Bongiorno only to admire the neckline of the participants as they turn the wheel.
... that you can not hear the noise of
sea by a shell but you have to download it from iTunes.
... that what the Master Mazza is not a nickname due to his unbridled sexual activity.
Enrico Papi ... that often sex with his Victoria Silvstedt valley but a passive role.
that George W. ... Bush before leaving the White House announced that defecherà in the Oval Office because of a lost bet with Dick Cheney.
... that if Mastella will not return to Parliament, Ceppaloni declare war on the rest of Italy.
... that by pressing random numbers on your calculator, you can find the phone number of someone famous.
... that to participate in the Big Brother you need to be entered in P2.
Fabrizio Corona ... that uses counterfeit money simply retouched with Photoshop.
... that you can get in the Senate saying the exit " I'm with him," pointing forward with his forefinger.
Emilio Fede ... that was abducted by aliens in the 80's and since then is no longer the same.
...che Pippo Baudo dopo Sanremo tornerà a fare quello che faceva prima: percuotere il sedere della Ricciarelli con un diapason.
...che una pillola di Viagra su un milione è in realtà cianuro: ma chi prende il Viagra ha ben altre preoccupazioni per la testa.
Did you know ...
... the wheel of fortune was brought to Italy by Mike Bongiorno only to admire the neckline of the participants as they turn the wheel.
... that you can not hear the noise of
... that what the Master Mazza is not a nickname due to his unbridled sexual activity.
Enrico Papi ... that often sex with his Victoria Silvstedt valley but a passive role.
that George W. ... Bush before leaving the White House announced that defecherà in the Oval Office because of a lost bet with Dick Cheney.
... that if Mastella will not return to Parliament, Ceppaloni declare war on the rest of Italy.
... that by pressing random numbers on your calculator, you can find the phone number of someone famous.
... that to participate in the Big Brother you need to be entered in P2.
Fabrizio Corona ... that uses counterfeit money simply retouched with Photoshop.
... that you can get in the Senate saying the exit " I'm with him," pointing forward with his forefinger.
Emilio Fede ... that was abducted by aliens in the 80's and since then is no longer the same.
...che Pippo Baudo dopo Sanremo tornerà a fare quello che faceva prima: percuotere il sedere della Ricciarelli con un diapason.
...che una pillola di Viagra su un milione è in realtà cianuro: ma chi prende il Viagra ha ben altre preoccupazioni per la testa.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tohatsu Diesel Outboard
complaints! Occasional reports
La Kraft, proprietaria della Milka, si scusa con i consumatori e con l'ICA (International Chipmunk Association) per la pubblicità di Milka Lufflè in cui vengono rappresentate delle marmotte che producono cioccolato torturando un loro simile. L'ICA afferma che nessuna marmotta di questo mondo produce cioccolato e anche se lo facesse non legherebbe mai un'altra marmotta to a trunk. In return, the Milka denies rumors that the cows, from which the milk used in factories, cows are serious illnesses that would alter the pigmentation, making them purple.
In any case, the association sends marmots as a warning the following video, threatening world domination and defeat human, whether advertising Milka is not immediately withdrawn.
La Kraft, proprietaria della Milka, si scusa con i consumatori e con l'ICA (International Chipmunk Association) per la pubblicità di Milka Lufflè in cui vengono rappresentate delle marmotte che producono cioccolato torturando un loro simile. L'ICA afferma che nessuna marmotta di questo mondo produce cioccolato e anche se lo facesse non legherebbe mai un'altra marmotta to a trunk. In return, the Milka denies rumors that the cows, from which the milk used in factories, cows are serious illnesses that would alter the pigmentation, making them purple.
In any case, the association sends marmots as a warning the following video, threatening world domination and defeat human, whether advertising Milka is not immediately withdrawn.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ideas How To Jack Off
* News of the Day:
Rome - The list of candidates for Prime Minister gets longer. Casini eventually disbanded the reserve and refused the offer of the Knight: "In Italy not everyone is for sale . Fini has been closed with the highest bidder on the eBay auction, in which to sell the symbol of An: a SilvioB36.
Berlusconi raised, attacks: " Casini's fault if we have not achieved everything we wanted . Bondi the other hand, observes: " the UDC and the PDL have the same program, you do not understand why Casini go alone." What I like about Forza Italy is consistency. With the absurd. However
the center, the Christian Democratic diaspora not be recomposed: a party symbol, has a name, one of the voters, the fact that you have all
Left Bertinotti critical la scelta del Pd di candidare Colaninno e l'operaio della Thyssen:" Uno è di troppo ", e giù risate da parte del pubblico. Ma Veltroni fa bene: è l'occasione per far lavorare di meno l'operaio e di più Colaninno.
Anche l'ex ministro Mastella sembra intenzionato a correre da solo: non proprio solo, la famiglia lo seguirà fino in capo al mondo. Se vince Berlusconi spero che almeno faccia di Mastella il ministro degli Esteri. O qualsiasi altra cosa lo tenga lontano dall'Italia.
Tra i nanetti intanto serpeggia la paura di non raggiungere le percentuali per entrare alla Camera e al Senato: per questo un provvedimento del Presidente della Repubblica decreta che la somma totale dei voti di tutti i partiti sarà 178%.
impresses in the end, see Bonaiuti, a spokesman for Berlusconi, even lamps as Fabrizio Corona, which occurs on almost all areas of human knowledge: hard stick Veltroni accused of having copied the program of the CDL in 2001. And why would copy it if Berlusconi says he has already been implemented? We look forward to the spokesman for the spokesman denied.
Rome - Giuliano Ferrara, after submitting his list of Pro-Life, announced that in regions where they will present will reach 7%. It is also said to make available the mayor of Rome or the minister of health. Given the size, could make them both, occupying both buildings. On the issue of abortion, always reveals Casini that he will deal with ethical issues in the election campaign as opposed to Berlusconi and Veltroni, but not to gain voters, but to save lives of innocent people born from relationships between parliamentarians UDC and occasional ring of luxury.
Malpensa - The League takes the field to protect the airport in the North: "Vote Malpensa League and save. The League has become his Italian nationalist and reminds me so much good old days of the Christian Democrats that while he kept alive consent to any booth that would give work. What do you expect to enter more fully into the PDL?
* WARNING: All information herein is nominated prime minister.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Famosas Mexiconas Follando
Primary U.S.
right, Obama is great and charming, has charisma and has always been against the war in Iraq. But look at how Mike Huckabee rocked to the tune of "Jailhouse Rock:
Veltroni What are you waiting to pick up a guitar?
right, Obama is great and charming, has charisma and has always been against the war in Iraq. But look at how Mike Huckabee rocked to the tune of "Jailhouse Rock:
Veltroni What are you waiting to pick up a guitar?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
How Many Panadols Can Kill You
* News of the Day:
Rome - The merit of this electoral law, perhaps the only, is to delight the Italians continued fighting, bickering and jabs. And between all components of the grid. After the cold fusion between AN and Forza Italy (Fini was right, we are at the end
comic) and the birth of the PDL (do not know why but reminds her shoes Adibas), the new party is the focus of ongoing turmoil: The Right of Storace does not want to enter, already savoring the flavor of voters disappointed by the many right turns Fini: Fiuggi after that, we now have the turning point of Falqui. Casini other side does not know what to do (or better yet Ruini did not know), if it comes lose votes in favor of the White Rose and the risk of a flop, if it enters the TV sets himself against Berlusconi: I were him, really starts to pray to a God and not necessarily that of Ratzinger.
Berlusconi for his part has to justify her fifth nomination (you may use the excuse of immortality, but if the reserve for its 100th birthday), his 70 years (I the impression that we will see the usual twist of the salesman who pretends to be damaged due to low prices: Fini will launch as premier, but only after having a chip implanted for the control of the lower limbs). Finally Berlusconi embodies a long old way of doing politics, and his marketing experts have already prepared the solution: after the double-breasted, the bandana, the fur hat and scarf polka dot, next time will occur in low-rise jeans and the padded pack. And if the will to do the interview by Maria De Filippi.
Finally today the news that Giuliano Ferrara will present a list on its behalf, to promote a United Nations moratorium on abortion. But it is a bad testimonial for this Battle radical Christian is a living example that sometimes it is better to have an abortion.
Naples - A 39 year old woman aborts a fetus is malformed and stillborn after twenty minutes to get staff on the ward, to question the woman, the other patients and staff, and to seize medical records. After the misunderstanding was clarified, the union of the women denounced the climate of witch-hunt. Beginning to be afraid to masturbate.
Mexico City - An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale was recorded in Mexico today. The Mexican Civil Protection reported that there are no reports of casualties or damage but many people have complained about being interrupted during the siesta.
Rome - from infants to pregnant women are more and more uses of Viagra. According to Israeli military review, the Army would be thinking about the feeding of pilots to increase their concentration. Concentrates yes, but not on the route. A British hospital has treated the other hand, pulmonary insufficiency of a child: and just think ', the baby has already learned to stand on three legs.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of an experiment in genetic engineering.
* News of the Day:
Rome - The merit of this electoral law, perhaps the only, is to delight the Italians continued fighting, bickering and jabs. And between all components of the grid. After the cold fusion between AN and Forza Italy (Fini was right, we are at the end
Berlusconi for his part has to justify her fifth nomination (you may use the excuse of immortality, but if the reserve for its 100th birthday), his 70 years (I the impression that we will see the usual twist of the salesman who pretends to be damaged due to low prices: Fini will launch as premier, but only after having a chip implanted for the control of the lower limbs). Finally Berlusconi embodies a long old way of doing politics, and his marketing experts have already prepared the solution: after the double-breasted, the bandana, the fur hat and scarf polka dot, next time will occur in low-rise jeans and the padded pack. And if the will to do the interview by Maria De Filippi.
Finally today the news that Giuliano Ferrara will present a list on its behalf, to promote a United Nations moratorium on abortion. But it is a bad testimonial for this Battle radical Christian is a living example that sometimes it is better to have an abortion.
Naples - A 39 year old woman aborts a fetus is malformed and stillborn after twenty minutes to get staff on the ward, to question the woman, the other patients and staff, and to seize medical records. After the misunderstanding was clarified, the union of the women denounced the climate of witch-hunt. Beginning to be afraid to masturbate.
Mexico City - An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale was recorded in Mexico today. The Mexican Civil Protection reported that there are no reports of casualties or damage but many people have complained about being interrupted during the siesta.
Rome - from infants to pregnant women are more and more uses of Viagra. According to Israeli military review, the Army would be thinking about the feeding of pilots to increase their concentration. Concentrates yes, but not on the route. A British hospital has treated the other hand, pulmonary insufficiency of a child: and just think ', the baby has already learned to stand on three legs.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of an experiment in genetic engineering.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Substitutes For Lighter Fluid Charcoal
the battle begin!
* News of the Day:
Rome - After dissolved the Houses, and set the election date, finally back in Italy
campaign. After two long years, the country can finally savor the finest in the world championship, where the veteran will face new challengers Berluscaz younger but also more smiling. Walter, the most credible challenger, announced that it will run on its own: a tough workout that will bring him to travel all the 111 Italian provinces, including the Vatican, will head to the old fellow boxing as D'Alema and Bindi, and will face trials courage as to remove the hair shirt Binetti. The challenger will be red instead of Faust, who does not hide his happiness for the chance to run himself alone: \u200b\u200bthe goal is not to win the championship but the possibility to impress the girls, thanks to the scars won in the ring.
Berlusconi has the help of his old sparring partners: the most trusted, Gianfranco agree to collect and punched uprights to prove their effectiveness, hoping one day to get him in the ring, which always has more teeth to the mouthpiece. The other partner is Pier Pier, do not be fooled by the hoary hair and manifests the Catholic faith when it comes to lead, goes straight to the center. A little 'defiladed's the Boss, the straight is no longer what it once was, but the ability to speak in the dialect of crap is still lethal. With low prices are
Storax, which is not very effective without a baton, Tobacco, troppo buono per far sgorgare il sangue e forse Clemente: vorrebbe ancora accasarsi con un lottatore di maggior peso, ma se costretto, sarà in grado di difendere la fimiglia.
New York - Arrestati in America 54 mafiosi italo-americani facenti parte di Cosa Nostra. Un altro pezzo di Made in Italy che scompare, sotto la concorrenza cinese.
Chicago - La corsa alla presidenza Usa non ha ancora trovato i due sfidanti. In campo democratico, Barak Obama e Hillary Clinton rimangono testa a testa e c'è chi teme una battaglia fino ad Agosto. Bush intanto ha annunciato che le cose in Iraq volgeranno presto per il meglio. Ma alla domanda " Per chi? ", ha preferito non rispondere.
*ATTENZIONE: Tutte le information presented herein is a subliminal message that you can only see wearing special sunglasses.
* News of the Day:
Rome - After dissolved the Houses, and set the election date, finally back in Italy

Berlusconi has the help of his old sparring partners: the most trusted, Gianfranco agree to collect and punched uprights to prove their effectiveness, hoping one day to get him in the ring, which always has more teeth to the mouthpiece. The other partner is Pier Pier, do not be fooled by the hoary hair and manifests the Catholic faith when it comes to lead, goes straight to the center. A little 'defiladed's the Boss, the straight is no longer what it once was, but the ability to speak in the dialect of crap is still lethal. With low prices are
Storax, which is not very effective without a baton, Tobacco, troppo buono per far sgorgare il sangue e forse Clemente: vorrebbe ancora accasarsi con un lottatore di maggior peso, ma se costretto, sarà in grado di difendere la fimiglia.
New York - Arrestati in America 54 mafiosi italo-americani facenti parte di Cosa Nostra. Un altro pezzo di Made in Italy che scompare, sotto la concorrenza cinese.
Chicago - La corsa alla presidenza Usa non ha ancora trovato i due sfidanti. In campo democratico, Barak Obama e Hillary Clinton rimangono testa a testa e c'è chi teme una battaglia fino ad Agosto. Bush intanto ha annunciato che le cose in Iraq volgeranno presto per il meglio. Ma alla domanda " Per chi? ", ha preferito non rispondere.
*ATTENZIONE: Tutte le information presented herein is a subliminal message that you can only see wearing special sunglasses.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Cartier Watch#20-61323
Breviary (A tribute to Antonello Caporale)
"Rocco Siffredi is known for a long (very long .....) experience as an actor."
"Rocco Siffredi is known for a long (very long .....) experience as an actor."
Liver Transplant And Bottled Water
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