Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Berlusconi annuncia che dopo la vittoria dovrà compiere scelte impopolari: nominare Bossi ministro è sicuramente una scelta impopolare ma non si riferisce a questo. Lui precisa: " aboliremo le

As for the climbers Alitalia, still no sign in sight, but I trust Berlusconi, for that buy thousands of Alitalia shares.
Veltroni does not care instead of his main opponent and strongly attacked the Mafia and Camorra: " Do not vote for the Democratic Party ." The usual left self-destructive, that never wants to govern.
final note should be devoted to the comparison seems that TV will not: How strange, every time that Berlusconi is ahead in the polls, does not make the televised debate. But what are you afraid of? What Mentana Vespa or get out of the trance and remember to be journalists? Yes, hello!
Rome - Inflation in March was rocketed to 3.3% from 2.9% in February, climbing to the highest level since September 1996: increases in energy costs in particular, but not to worry, when between 10 years we will have peaceful nuclear power. The important thing is to survive 10 years.
London - Kate Moss has set the date of his marriage to the beginning of September. The bridegroom is a roll of pounds.
* WARNING: All information herein is for you. Whoever you be.
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