Sunday and Monday to vote for the renewal of the House and Senate. Personally I will vote for the Democratic Party and thus prime candidate Walter Veltroni. I have since confirmed this last night during his speech in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna. Veltroni has touched many issues, from job insecurity as the initial target of action of his government to fight the mafia.
do not want to elaborate on the election campaign, I imagine the readers of this blog are already well informed about national political issues.
One thing I must say. In the case of Veltroni's victory in both houses of Parliament, for the first time the center-left could govern without excuse: it could really last five years and to complete its program.
Those who wish to abstain think of this, a last chance for our political class. Refrain means do not give a signal to political means to return the country to Berlusconi, the Calderoli, the Gasparri, the Round, to Cuffaro, laws ad personam, the amnesties, the horns, to Bush's wars.
I would have more material to update the blog but I fear that Dell'Utri find out where I live and rewrite all of my post.
Mangano was a hero.
... See! Have you started!
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