* News of the Day:
Rome - The list of candidates for Prime Minister gets longer. Casini eventually disbanded the reserve and refused the offer of the Knight: "In Italy not everyone is for sale . Fini has been closed with the highest bidder on the eBay auction, in which to sell the symbol of An: a SilvioB36.
Berlusconi raised, attacks: " Casini's fault if we have not achieved everything we wanted . Bondi the other hand, observes: " the UDC and the PDL have the same program, you do not understand why Casini go alone." What I like about Forza Italy is consistency. With the absurd. However
the center, the Christian Democratic diaspora not be recomposed: a party symbol, has a name, one of the voters, the fact that you have all
Left Bertinotti critical la scelta del Pd di candidare Colaninno e l'operaio della Thyssen:" Uno è di troppo ", e giù risate da parte del pubblico. Ma Veltroni fa bene: è l'occasione per far lavorare di meno l'operaio e di più Colaninno.
Anche l'ex ministro Mastella sembra intenzionato a correre da solo: non proprio solo, la famiglia lo seguirà fino in capo al mondo. Se vince Berlusconi spero che almeno faccia di Mastella il ministro degli Esteri. O qualsiasi altra cosa lo tenga lontano dall'Italia.
Tra i nanetti intanto serpeggia la paura di non raggiungere le percentuali per entrare alla Camera e al Senato: per questo un provvedimento del Presidente della Repubblica decreta che la somma totale dei voti di tutti i partiti sarà 178%.
impresses in the end, see Bonaiuti, a spokesman for Berlusconi, even lamps as Fabrizio Corona, which occurs on almost all areas of human knowledge: hard stick Veltroni accused of having copied the program of the CDL in 2001. And why would copy it if Berlusconi says he has already been implemented? We look forward to the spokesman for the spokesman denied.
Rome - Giuliano Ferrara, after submitting his list of Pro-Life, announced that in regions where they will present will reach 7%. It is also said to make available the mayor of Rome or the minister of health. Given the size, could make them both, occupying both buildings. On the issue of abortion, always reveals Casini that he will deal with ethical issues in the election campaign as opposed to Berlusconi and Veltroni, but not to gain voters, but to save lives of innocent people born from relationships between parliamentarians UDC and occasional ring of luxury.
Malpensa - The League takes the field to protect the airport in the North: "Vote Malpensa League and save. The League has become his Italian nationalist and reminds me so much good old days of the Christian Democrats that while he kept alive consent to any booth that would give work. What do you expect to enter more fully into the PDL?
* WARNING: All information herein is nominated prime minister.
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