the battle begin!
* News of the Day:
Rome - After dissolved the Houses, and set the election date, finally back in Italy campaign. After two long years, the country can finally savor the finest in the world championship, where the veteran will face new challengers Berluscaz younger but also more smiling. Walter, the most credible challenger, announced that it will run on its own: a tough workout that will bring him to travel all the 111 Italian provinces, including the Vatican, will head to the old fellow boxing as D'Alema and Bindi, and will face trials courage as to remove the hair shirt Binetti. The challenger will be red instead of Faust, who does not hide his happiness for the chance to run himself alone: \u200b\u200bthe goal is not to win the championship but the possibility to impress the girls, thanks to the scars won in the ring.
Berlusconi has the help of his old sparring partners: the most trusted, Gianfranco agree to collect and punched uprights to prove their effectiveness, hoping one day to get him in the ring, which always has more teeth to the mouthpiece. The other partner is Pier Pier, do not be fooled by the hoary hair and manifests the Catholic faith when it comes to lead, goes straight to the center. A little 'defiladed's the Boss, the straight is no longer what it once was, but the ability to speak in the dialect of crap is still lethal. With low prices are
Storax, which is not very effective without a baton, Tobacco, troppo buono per far sgorgare il sangue e forse Clemente: vorrebbe ancora accasarsi con un lottatore di maggior peso, ma se costretto, sarà in grado di difendere la fimiglia.
New York - Arrestati in America 54 mafiosi italo-americani facenti parte di Cosa Nostra. Un altro pezzo di Made in Italy che scompare, sotto la concorrenza cinese.
Chicago - La corsa alla presidenza Usa non ha ancora trovato i due sfidanti. In campo democratico, Barak Obama e Hillary Clinton rimangono testa a testa e c'è chi teme una battaglia fino ad Agosto. Bush intanto ha annunciato che le cose in Iraq volgeranno presto per il meglio. Ma alla domanda " Per chi? ", ha preferito non rispondere.
*ATTENZIONE: Tutte le information presented herein is a subliminal message that you can only see wearing special sunglasses.
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