Notizie del Giorno* :
Napoli - Si svolge oggi nella città partenopea il primo consiglio dei ministri del nuovo governo Berlusconi. Ordine del giorno è l'emergenza rifiuti in Campania. Il premier Berlusconi annuncia ai giornalisti fradici per la pioggia di non avere la bacchetta magica: ma farà lo stesso una telefonata per far cessare il maltempo di questi giorni. Per quanto riguarda i rifiuti, i ministri leghisti affermano che la situazione è più grave del previsto: alarm in the back part when Gianni Letta said the Northern League that it was better not to define "waste" the citizens of Naples.
Also in today's CDM, the ICI will be removed on the first house, for a total of almost 3 billion euro from where this money? In this application, the Minister Tremonti said they have them hidden in the cupboard of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2006.
Regarding security emergency (every day millions of thefts and some do not occur at the gas station!) Will be added to the crime of illegal immigration: effective measure? Maybe. It would however be better to invade Abyssinia but better to wait for the season.
Rome - The Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana said in parliament that there would be

Meanwhile, the Church says that there would be no incompatibility between the existence of God and extraterrestrial life. They know something we do not know.
Milan - Italian champions Inter are not sleeping on its laurels and has now begun its recruitment drive: Moratti (with oil skyrocketing must have several multiple orgasms per day) has already acquired the leading scorer of the Europeans. Whoever he is.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of insomnia.
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