* News of the Day:
Rome - The merit of this electoral law, perhaps the only, is to delight the Italians continued fighting, bickering and jabs. And between all components of the grid. After the cold fusion between AN and Forza Italy (Fini was right, we are at the end
Berlusconi for his part has to justify her fifth nomination (you may use the excuse of immortality, but if the reserve for its 100th birthday), his 70 years (I the impression that we will see the usual twist of the salesman who pretends to be damaged due to low prices: Fini will launch as premier, but only after having a chip implanted for the control of the lower limbs). Finally Berlusconi embodies a long old way of doing politics, and his marketing experts have already prepared the solution: after the double-breasted, the bandana, the fur hat and scarf polka dot, next time will occur in low-rise jeans and the padded pack. And if the will to do the interview by Maria De Filippi.
Finally today the news that Giuliano Ferrara will present a list on its behalf, to promote a United Nations moratorium on abortion. But it is a bad testimonial for this Battle radical Christian is a living example that sometimes it is better to have an abortion.
Naples - A 39 year old woman aborts a fetus is malformed and stillborn after twenty minutes to get staff on the ward, to question the woman, the other patients and staff, and to seize medical records. After the misunderstanding was clarified, the union of the women denounced the climate of witch-hunt. Beginning to be afraid to masturbate.
Mexico City - An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale was recorded in Mexico today. The Mexican Civil Protection reported that there are no reports of casualties or damage but many people have complained about being interrupted during the siesta.
Rome - from infants to pregnant women are more and more uses of Viagra. According to Israeli military review, the Army would be thinking about the feeding of pilots to increase their concentration. Concentrates yes, but not on the route. A British hospital has treated the other hand, pulmonary insufficiency of a child: and just think ', the baby has already learned to stand on three legs.
* WARNING: All information herein is the result of an experiment in genetic engineering.
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