In autumn, the daily newspaper Il Manifesto in collaboration with Edizioni BD Gang Bang publish an anthology that, if they receive a good reception from the audience, become a magazine.
The authors of comic strips that appear in the first issue of Bang Gang are Stefano Casini, Diego Cajelli , Joseph Camuncoli , Matteo Casali, Mauro Cicaré , Tito Faraci, Angelo Ferracuti Luca Enoch , Andrea Mutti , Ponchione Sergio, Roberto Recchioni , Venturi Walter, Michele Petrucci Vincent Sirianni and .
Andrea Voglino in blog Red Cloud, Gang Bang describes as " A large format publication, with a living space of over 100 pages and hope to go beyond labels recently and already stale to do what the comic has always done beautifully and simply, telling adventures (black, yellow, historical, grotesque, science fiction, war ...), easy to read but not to forget. Just as the Communist daily from 40 years ago.
The new baby is called Gang Bang, bears the signature of the poster and Edizioni BD and will be on newsstands and in bookstores later this year. On board, a fine group of cartoonists with both feet planted in the popular comic strip and the belly ready to taste more personal narrative and strong. "
The illustration above, created by Joseph Camuncoli, has nothing to do with the magazine Gang Bang (comes from the DC Comics series Intimates).
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