Preview Dylan Dog n. 300
Dal sito di Sergio Bonelli Editore :
" ad agosto approderà in edicola l’atteso numero 300 che, come da tradizione, sarà interamente dipinto, seppure in digitale. Un episodio davvero impedibile, a partire dai nomi degli autori che lo hanno realizzato: Pasquale Ruju per la storia e Angelo Stano per i disegni, mentre i colori sono dello Studio Rudoni. Un’avventura carica di antiche suggestioni e che tratterà il passato di Dylan. Immancabile, nell'occasione, il ritorno di alcuni vecchi personaggi, alcuni dei quali davvero inaspettati... "
I personaggi che ritorneranno saranno Morgana e Randall Creed, come avevo anticipato lo scorso October in this article. Continued After
there are two tables: Groucho and Dylan Dog dug up Morgana.
The first board was published today on the sidelines of an article on the film about Dylan Dog. I got the scan from the forum Craven Road 7.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Help Noma Programmable Thermostat
The earthquake in Japan and manga
aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, the Corriere della Sera published an article entitled That calm "inhumane" the people of the manga.
There were two reactions to this article: Matteo Bordone, who has criticized the approach of "inhuman" the journalist, and Matteo Stefanelli.
" For years, the club and I repeat all the bales, and these days it is sadly obvious: the Italian journalists are not able to talk about Japan. Japan is" [more on Freddy Nietzsche ]
" was not difficult to foresee: the image of Japan that is circulating in the Italian media is filtered through a heavy dose of exoticism. And the cartoon, in this case, plays a symbolic role.
How to describe the behavior Japanese? With some article of dress, of course. But if the third-largest economy in the world, Italian newspapers are accustomed to dealing only (at best) in the financial pages or technology, to draw what else? Easy answer: throw it on the manga. That "[The Post continues to ]
After the earthquake, Takehiko Inoue has realized smiling faces of people.
Japan were not ready because we were too ready:
" You just returned, just in time to delete the post on the racism of the Power Rangers you had on the launching pad for this evening and pre-cooked since Thursday, when all this had not happened yet. Have you been out three days, chased anywhere (in taxi, in a museum, a restaurant, in albergo, per strada) dalle immagini di quanto stava accadendo in Giappone. Ne hai guardato solo le prime, poi non ce l'hai fatta più. Il punto è che si è venuti su, noi tutti, guardando il Giappone venir distrutto ogni pomeriggio. Calpestato da " [continua su L'antro atomico del dr. Manhattan ]
Su Harry dice... c'è un accostamento fra lo tsunami e gli scenari post-apocalittici di Akira.
James Jean ha messo in vendita cento foulard con stampata una sua opera. Il ricavato sarà donato alla Croce rossa giapponese.
Il sito Bleeding Cool ha segnalato altre iniziative di questo tipo.
aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, the Corriere della Sera published an article entitled That calm "inhumane" the people of the manga.
There were two reactions to this article: Matteo Bordone, who has criticized the approach of "inhuman" the journalist, and Matteo Stefanelli.
" For years, the club and I repeat all the bales, and these days it is sadly obvious: the Italian journalists are not able to talk about Japan. Japan is" [more on Freddy Nietzsche ]
" was not difficult to foresee: the image of Japan that is circulating in the Italian media is filtered through a heavy dose of exoticism. And the cartoon, in this case, plays a symbolic role.
How to describe the behavior Japanese? With some article of dress, of course. But if the third-largest economy in the world, Italian newspapers are accustomed to dealing only (at best) in the financial pages or technology, to draw what else? Easy answer: throw it on the manga. That "[The Post continues to ]
After the earthquake, Takehiko Inoue has realized smiling faces of people.
Japan were not ready because we were too ready:
" You just returned, just in time to delete the post on the racism of the Power Rangers you had on the launching pad for this evening and pre-cooked since Thursday, when all this had not happened yet. Have you been out three days, chased anywhere (in taxi, in a museum, a restaurant, in albergo, per strada) dalle immagini di quanto stava accadendo in Giappone. Ne hai guardato solo le prime, poi non ce l'hai fatta più. Il punto è che si è venuti su, noi tutti, guardando il Giappone venir distrutto ogni pomeriggio. Calpestato da " [continua su L'antro atomico del dr. Manhattan ]
Su Harry dice... c'è un accostamento fra lo tsunami e gli scenari post-apocalittici di Akira.
James Jean ha messo in vendita cento foulard con stampata una sua opera. Il ricavato sarà donato alla Croce rossa giapponese.
Il sito Bleeding Cool ha segnalato altre iniziative di questo tipo.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Female Hispanic Inventors
authors Gang Bang, the new magazine Comic Manifesto
In autumn, the daily newspaper Il Manifesto in collaboration with Edizioni BD Gang Bang publish an anthology that, if they receive a good reception from the audience, become a magazine.
The authors of comic strips that appear in the first issue of Bang Gang are Stefano Casini, Diego Cajelli , Joseph Camuncoli , Matteo Casali, Mauro Cicaré , Tito Faraci, Angelo Ferracuti Luca Enoch , Andrea Mutti , Ponchione Sergio, Roberto Recchioni , Venturi Walter, Michele Petrucci Vincent Sirianni and .
Andrea Voglino in blog Red Cloud, Gang Bang describes as " A large format publication, with a living space of over 100 pages and hope to go beyond labels recently and already stale to do what the comic has always done beautifully and simply, telling adventures (black, yellow, historical, grotesque, science fiction, war ...), easy to read but not to forget. Just as the Communist daily from 40 years ago.
The new baby is called Gang Bang, bears the signature of the poster and Edizioni BD and will be on newsstands and in bookstores later this year. On board, a fine group of cartoonists with both feet planted in the popular comic strip and the belly ready to taste more personal narrative and strong. "
The illustration above, created by Joseph Camuncoli, has nothing to do with the magazine Gang Bang (comes from the DC Comics series Intimates).

In autumn, the daily newspaper Il Manifesto in collaboration with Edizioni BD Gang Bang publish an anthology that, if they receive a good reception from the audience, become a magazine.
The authors of comic strips that appear in the first issue of Bang Gang are Stefano Casini, Diego Cajelli , Joseph Camuncoli , Matteo Casali, Mauro Cicaré , Tito Faraci, Angelo Ferracuti Luca Enoch , Andrea Mutti , Ponchione Sergio, Roberto Recchioni , Venturi Walter, Michele Petrucci Vincent Sirianni and .
Andrea Voglino in blog Red Cloud, Gang Bang describes as " A large format publication, with a living space of over 100 pages and hope to go beyond labels recently and already stale to do what the comic has always done beautifully and simply, telling adventures (black, yellow, historical, grotesque, science fiction, war ...), easy to read but not to forget. Just as the Communist daily from 40 years ago.
The new baby is called Gang Bang, bears the signature of the poster and Edizioni BD and will be on newsstands and in bookstores later this year. On board, a fine group of cartoonists with both feet planted in the popular comic strip and the belly ready to taste more personal narrative and strong. "
The illustration above, created by Joseph Camuncoli, has nothing to do with the magazine Gang Bang (comes from the DC Comics series Intimates).
How Expensive Are Rolladen Shutters
The navel of the world
Q uesto è l’ombelico del mondo
L’ombelico del mondo!
Q uesto è l’ombelico del mondo
Dove si incontrano facce strane
Gente venuta dalla Padania
Che ha nella testa ideas socks
babbles Bossi, wants Bologna
The last stronghold of the left
This is the navel of the world
They all put on the list already!
Q his is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
Q his is the navel of the world
do not know where it ends
seems to be inside a
But reality is that the director has to come out!
Bologna is the dream of Senatùr
Berlusconi promised it to him here, there are no more rules exist only
the election!
Q his is the navel World
The navel of the world!
Q his is the navel of the world
Once there was the nerve center of political power
From here started each new route
But in these days of late empire
I hear a voice that is crying : We
navel And we're throwing up!
Q his is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
This is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
Bossi vuole un candidato della Lega nella corsa
per il sindaco di Bologna. Non ci resta che saltare
cantando il mio primo rap insieme a Jovanotti!
Q uesto è l’ombelico del mondo
L’ombelico del mondo!
Q uesto è l’ombelico del mondo
Dove si incontrano facce strane
Gente venuta dalla Padania
Che ha nella testa ideas socks
babbles Bossi, wants Bologna
The last stronghold of the left
This is the navel of the world
They all put on the list already!
Q his is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
Q his is the navel of the world
do not know where it ends
seems to be inside a
But reality is that the director has to come out!
Bologna is the dream of Senatùr
Berlusconi promised it to him here, there are no more rules exist only
the election!
Q his is the navel World
The navel of the world!
Q his is the navel of the world
Once there was the nerve center of political power
From here started each new route
But in these days of late empire
I hear a voice that is crying : We
navel And we're throwing up!
Q his is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
This is the navel of the world
The navel of the world!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Spiritual Wedding Cards
Convocazioni Lun 14/03 ore 21
Here's the current standings, mathematically the fourth place is still to be decided because the Zuccas with a game in hand is 5 points away. Without wishing to great alarm, I participated for the last decisive game but unfortunately the first part of the league not to throw away a year to the wind. I remind all absences luca grace, and Sister beppe. Greetings and good
Here's the current standings, mathematically the fourth place is still to be decided because the Zuccas with a game in hand is 5 points away. Without wishing to great alarm, I participated for the last decisive game but unfortunately the first part of the league not to throw away a year to the wind. I remind all absences luca grace, and Sister beppe. Greetings and good
Night Calls By Lisa Fugard
Flashpoint grows dramatically. Fourteen other covers
DC Comics created a network of fourteen covers Flashpoint and revealed the names of all authors in the series.
Compared to the initial announcement - whereby Flashpoint was composed of a miniseries Carrier 5 issues and 14 sub-mini-series of 3 numbers each - there have been changes.
In all the comics side will be 21 instead of 14. The publisher has shown covers 20 numbers 1 and announced that the monthly series of Booster Gold will connect to Flashpoint from No 45.
was not specified whether the first 20 numbers will be the first chapters of many miniseries or if some numbers are just one of the special registers.
Continue After there are no covers Flashpoint 2, No Booster Gold 45 and one of twelve numbers. Here is another gallery with eight instead covers.
Covers: Gene
Plot by: Scott Snyder
Script: Lowell Francis
Art: Gene
Covers: Doug Mahnke
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Art: Ibraim Roberson
Covers: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sterling Gates
Art: Oliver Nome
Covers: Ed Benes
Writer: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Art: Scott Clark and David Beaty
Covers: Eddy Nunez and Sandra Hope
Writer: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Art: Eddy Nunez
Covers: Felipe Massafera
Writer: Adam Schlagman
Art: Felipe Massafera
Covers: Kevin Nowlan
Writer: James Robinson
Art: Javi Fernandez
Covers: George Perez
Writer Peter Milligan
Art: George Perez and Scott Koblish
Cover: Rags Morales
Writer: Mike Carlin
Art: Rags Morales
Cover: Viktor Kalvachev
Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote
Art: Mark Castiello
Cover: Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes
Writer: Scott Kolins
Art: Joel Gomez
Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara
Written by DAN JURGENS
Art and cover by DAN JURGENS and NORM RAPMUND
Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by ANDY KUBERT and SANDRA HOPE
1:25 Black and White Variant cover A by ANDY KUBERT
Variant cover B by IVAN REIS and GEORGE PÉREZ
DC Comics created a network of fourteen covers Flashpoint and revealed the names of all authors in the series.
Compared to the initial announcement - whereby Flashpoint was composed of a miniseries Carrier 5 issues and 14 sub-mini-series of 3 numbers each - there have been changes.
In all the comics side will be 21 instead of 14. The publisher has shown covers 20 numbers 1 and announced that the monthly series of Booster Gold will connect to Flashpoint from No 45.
was not specified whether the first 20 numbers will be the first chapters of many miniseries or if some numbers are just one of the special registers.
Continue After there are no covers Flashpoint 2, No Booster Gold 45 and one of twelve numbers. Here is another gallery with eight instead covers.
Covers: Gene
Plot by: Scott Snyder
Script: Lowell Francis
Art: Gene
Covers: Doug Mahnke
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Art: Ibraim Roberson
Covers: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sterling Gates
Art: Oliver Nome
Covers: Ed Benes
Writer: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Art: Scott Clark and David Beaty
Covers: Eddy Nunez and Sandra Hope
Writer: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Art: Eddy Nunez
Covers: Felipe Massafera
Writer: Adam Schlagman
Art: Felipe Massafera
Covers: Kevin Nowlan
Writer: James Robinson
Art: Javi Fernandez
Covers: George Perez
Writer Peter Milligan
Art: George Perez and Scott Koblish
Cover: Rags Morales
Writer: Mike Carlin
Art: Rags Morales
Cover: Viktor Kalvachev
Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote
Art: Mark Castiello
Cover: Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes
Writer: Scott Kolins
Art: Joel Gomez
Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara
Written by DAN JURGENS
Art and cover by DAN JURGENS and NORM RAPMUND
Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by ANDY KUBERT and SANDRA HOPE
1:25 Black and White Variant cover A by ANDY KUBERT
Variant cover B by IVAN REIS and GEORGE PÉREZ
Friday, March 11, 2011
Angles In Life Examples
Exhibitions: Cattani, Kirby, Bacilieri, New
- Medionauta presenta Barcazza di Francesco Cattani.
- Cabinet de dessins: Bacilieri, Bruno, Costantini, Squaz.
- Jack Kirby a Cartoomics.
- Messinscene di Miti - Hugo Pratt e Jimi Hendrix.
- Diabolik non solo in nero. Nei panni del Re del Terrore.
- Giallo alla milanese.
- MilanoVesteFumetto.
- Looney Donald Show .
Silicone Breasts Inserts
Diabolik (again) on the graphic novel pearl
Era dal 5 agosto - davvero troppo tempo - che non saltava fuori una delle tante perle sulle graphic novel e il fumetto autoriale .
Meno male che ci ha pensato Manuele Fior sul Corriere della Sera del 20 febbraio a rispolverare l'argomento:
" Blankets ha fatto capire che l'unione di disegni e parole poteva raccontare una storia compiuta, come un film o un romanzo, ma in modo diverso. E' un'altra cosa rispetto ai fumetti seriali che di solito sono di genere, polizieschi, o di fantascienza... Il fumetto autoriale può parlare di tutto, di qualsiasi aspetto della realtà, anche delle vite delle persone. Dylan Dog, Tex, Diabolik vanno benissimo, ma con i fumetti si può fare anche altro. "
Mi dispiace tantissimo di avere inserito Cinquemila chilometri al secondo nella mia top 10 del 2010 .
Era dal 5 agosto - davvero troppo tempo - che non saltava fuori una delle tante perle sulle graphic novel e il fumetto autoriale .
Meno male che ci ha pensato Manuele Fior sul Corriere della Sera del 20 febbraio a rispolverare l'argomento:
" Blankets ha fatto capire che l'unione di disegni e parole poteva raccontare una storia compiuta, come un film o un romanzo, ma in modo diverso. E' un'altra cosa rispetto ai fumetti seriali che di solito sono di genere, polizieschi, o di fantascienza... Il fumetto autoriale può parlare di tutto, di qualsiasi aspetto della realtà, anche delle vite delle persone. Dylan Dog, Tex, Diabolik vanno benissimo, ma con i fumetti si può fare anche altro. "
Mi dispiace tantissimo di avere inserito Cinquemila chilometri al secondo nella mia top 10 del 2010 .
Colon Bleeding Fecalitis
Bao Publishing and Nick Bertozzi in 2011 Cartoomics
Comunicato stampa
Comunicato stampa
After debuting last year at Cartoomics, B AO Publishing back to the Milan fair with a special guest: the New York graphic-novelist Nick Bertozzi. To mark the occasion will be presented the book "The great journey of Lewis and Clark", released to coincide with the publication of the American First: Second.
In 1804, encouraged by President Jefferson in person, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from St. Louis, Missouri, to take one of the greatest adventures of all time: to reach the west coast the American continent to map, for the first time, a country not yet joined. Disease, misfortune, unfriendly Indians and the incipient depression that Lewis is not the first difficulties of a trip that seemed destined to triumph, then the path of an obstacle in caravan appears did not even suspect its existence: the Rocky Mountains. Defeating even the undeniable truth of geography, within two years the explorers reach the goal, and forever changed American history.
Nick Bertozzi moves his love of history in an exciting journey, between irony and double-page cartoons for the reader to breathe, even the magnificence and the grandeur of a single firm that has fascinated even the TV series
"The Simpsons" which devoted an episode to their Lewis and Clark.
A story so real that it seems make-believe, a fundamental chapter in the growth of a young country, a company that will shake deep in the hearts of readers.
addition to "The great journey of Lewis and Clark" will be available the latest news publisher in Milan: "Goldilocks and the seven dwarfs bears" by Emile Bravo, the first volume of DC Kids " Small Titans "by Baltazar and Franco.
Nick Bertozzi BAO Publishing and expect readers to stand G06 dedications and chat!
Nick Bertozzi is one of the most popular American authors of the underground comics of recent years. He grew up in Providence (Rhode Island) and lived in Philadelphia and Madrid, but currently lives in Queens (NY) with his wife and daughters.
He received a Xeric Grant and several Harvey and Ignatz Award. In 2007 he published Guanda il suo Chi vuole uccidere Picasso, una graphic novel su Picasso e la scoperta del cubismo.
Ha collaborato con Jason Lutes per la biografia a fumetti “Houdini: the handcuff king” e fa parte del collettivo new yorkese Act-I-Vate, fondato da Dean Haspiel, dove pubblica i suoi web-comic fantascientifici.
Negli ultimi anni ha insegnato cartooning alla School of Visual Arts di New York, all'RISD e al Center for Cartoon Studies diretto da James Sturm in Vermont.
Ontario Trailer Licence Plate
Rusty Dogs: tenth episode online
comunicato stampa
E' on line il decimo episodio di Rusty Dogs , "Dogs years".
Ai disegni Alberto Massaggia .
Rusty Dogs è una serie a fumetti composta da storie brevi crime-noir e pubblicate su un blog:
Emiliano Longobardi.
Fabiano Ambu, Antonello Becciu, Michele Benevento, Giacomo Bevilacqua, Lelio Bonaccorso, Elia Bonetti, Richard Burchielli, Matthew Bush, Giancarlo Caracuzzo, Raul Cestaro, Massimo Dall'Oglio, Davide De Cubellis, Andrea Del Campo, Werther Dell'Edera, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Michael Duch, Antonio Fuso, Andrea Gadaldi, Peter Gallo, David Gianfelice, Gianfranco Giardina, Giuliano Giunta, Simone Guglielmi, Giuseppe Marinello, Alex Massacci, Francesco Mortarino, Guido Niedzwiecki, David Pascutto, Rossano Piccioni, Pontrelli Giorgio, Paolo Raffaelli, Maurice Ribichini, Andrea Rossi, Armando Rossi, Lorenzo Ruggiero, Antonio Sarchione, Money Mark, Cristiano Spada, Claudio Stassi, Joachim Tilloca and Richard Torti.
Logo, graphics and lettering:
Mauro Mura
Editor: Andrea Toscani
The Facebook group dedicated to Rusty Dogs is reached at the following url:
http://www.facebook. com/emiliano.longobardi1 # / group.php? gid = 340864895079 & ref = mf
comunicato stampa
E' on line il decimo episodio di Rusty Dogs , "Dogs years".
Ai disegni Alberto Massaggia .
Rusty Dogs è una serie a fumetti composta da storie brevi crime-noir e pubblicate su un blog:
Emiliano Longobardi.
Fabiano Ambu, Antonello Becciu, Michele Benevento, Giacomo Bevilacqua, Lelio Bonaccorso, Elia Bonetti, Richard Burchielli, Matthew Bush, Giancarlo Caracuzzo, Raul Cestaro, Massimo Dall'Oglio, Davide De Cubellis, Andrea Del Campo, Werther Dell'Edera, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Michael Duch, Antonio Fuso, Andrea Gadaldi, Peter Gallo, David Gianfelice, Gianfranco Giardina, Giuliano Giunta, Simone Guglielmi, Giuseppe Marinello, Alex Massacci, Francesco Mortarino, Guido Niedzwiecki, David Pascutto, Rossano Piccioni, Pontrelli Giorgio, Paolo Raffaelli, Maurice Ribichini, Andrea Rossi, Armando Rossi, Lorenzo Ruggiero, Antonio Sarchione, Money Mark, Cristiano Spada, Claudio Stassi, Joachim Tilloca and Richard Torti.
Logo, graphics and lettering:
Mauro Mura
Editor: Andrea Toscani
The Facebook group dedicated to Rusty Dogs is reached at the following url:
http://www.facebook. com/emiliano.longobardi1 # / group.php? gid = 340864895079 & ref = mf
For info: Emiliano Longobardi - emiliano.longobardi @
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Traveling Spa Equipment
Julie Taymor is no longer the musical director of the Spider- Man: Turn Off the Dark. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa comes
Julie Taymor is no longer the director of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, the musical 65 million dollars because of an accident on stage, economic difficulties and other problems has been delayed (at least) six times.
His place was taken by Philip William McKinley (The Boy From Oz), who wanted to join the cast of the musical, the playwright and comic book writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Stand ), Paul Bogaev the music consultant and sound designer Peter Hylenski. The
Taymor will continue to work for the musical, although his presence will be reduced. According to the official director was forced to take this decision to honor other business commitments it had given earlier, when he could not imagine that the time of preparation of the musical would be expanded beyond belief.
The Times noted in its press release that the manufacturer lacks a commentary by Taymor, and interpreted as a sign of disagreement between the producers and director. In fact, the announcement comes after weeks of tension between the producers and director, during which Taymor has repeatedly refused requests to make changes to the musical.
Meanwhile, the date of onset was moved from March to June. The Beat From
and Robot 6
Julie Taymor is no longer the director of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, the musical 65 million dollars because of an accident on stage, economic difficulties and other problems has been delayed (at least) six times.
His place was taken by Philip William McKinley (The Boy From Oz), who wanted to join the cast of the musical, the playwright and comic book writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Stand ), Paul Bogaev the music consultant and sound designer Peter Hylenski. The
Taymor will continue to work for the musical, although his presence will be reduced. According to the official director was forced to take this decision to honor other business commitments it had given earlier, when he could not imagine that the time of preparation of the musical would be expanded beyond belief.
The Times noted in its press release that the manufacturer lacks a commentary by Taymor, and interpreted as a sign of disagreement between the producers and director. In fact, the announcement comes after weeks of tension between the producers and director, during which Taymor has repeatedly refused requests to make changes to the musical.
Meanwhile, the date of onset was moved from March to June. The Beat From
and Robot 6
Invitation For Temptation Party
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How Block Numbers On Reclaim Samsung
Vecchia Guardia - Pan Gazzetti 2-2
The derby is one of those games which nobody wants to miss and is testimony to the fact that we present ourselves to the call in 12. Is not so much want to play, wanting to be just as present against the league leaders against the cousins, and why not, to pull two ribs Sangiorgi:). Sir Fabio Luca decided to go with Grace in goal, behind Sere and Genna, Bady in half, Skip to the right and after a day of absence, Here comes again the twin goals of quality to give to the team. Safe Start, trying to keep up the pace to send their opponents in trouble and going close to scoring on several occasions, including the excellent goalkeeper foiled them. Shame that as usual, we pass at a disadvantage with a free kick well kicked the goal. 1 to 0. We are used and seem a little bit of Bologna Malesani recapture the balance when only a few minutes before the deadline with a penalty of "Gaucho." The second tempo inizia con Fabio che da disposizioni alla squadra mentre sta urinando fuori dal campo contro un albero. Indimenticabile. Nonostante i 5 cambi, lo Special uan gestisce il tutto abbastanza bene e azzeccandone uno in particolare, permette a Matte su un gran assist di Conve ad insaccare per il 2 a 1. Mancano 8 minuti, l'arbitro non ci capisce più niente, anche Fabio inizia a parlare da solo in panchina, gli avversari continuano a lanciare lungo per Sangio ben controllato però dalla difesa. Dopo aver evitato il pareggio con un colpo di reni straordinario da parte di Luca, a 2 dal termine, Sangiorgi imbecca il loro 29 che comodamente insacca sul secondo palo per il 2 a 2 finale. Da lì alla fine poco da dire anche se rischiamo di fare il terzo se non fosse per some imprecision ours.

The derby is one of those games which nobody wants to miss and is testimony to the fact that we present ourselves to the call in 12. Is not so much want to play, wanting to be just as present against the league leaders against the cousins, and why not, to pull two ribs Sangiorgi:). Sir Fabio Luca decided to go with Grace in goal, behind Sere and Genna, Bady in half, Skip to the right and after a day of absence, Here comes again the twin goals of quality to give to the team. Safe Start, trying to keep up the pace to send their opponents in trouble and going close to scoring on several occasions, including the excellent goalkeeper foiled them. Shame that as usual, we pass at a disadvantage with a free kick well kicked the goal. 1 to 0. We are used and seem a little bit of Bologna Malesani recapture the balance when only a few minutes before the deadline with a penalty of "Gaucho." The second tempo inizia con Fabio che da disposizioni alla squadra mentre sta urinando fuori dal campo contro un albero. Indimenticabile. Nonostante i 5 cambi, lo Special uan gestisce il tutto abbastanza bene e azzeccandone uno in particolare, permette a Matte su un gran assist di Conve ad insaccare per il 2 a 1. Mancano 8 minuti, l'arbitro non ci capisce più niente, anche Fabio inizia a parlare da solo in panchina, gli avversari continuano a lanciare lungo per Sangio ben controllato però dalla difesa. Dopo aver evitato il pareggio con un colpo di reni straordinario da parte di Luca, a 2 dal termine, Sangiorgi imbecca il loro 29 che comodamente insacca sul secondo palo per il 2 a 2 finale. Da lì alla fine poco da dire anche se rischiamo di fare il terzo se non fosse per some imprecision ours.
I think a draw close, this time for us, but by showing how with a little more continuity in this year we could have won the round. And maybe with a bit of bad luck less (Statistics kill us). However c is pleased with the fact that we are keeping it somewhere in this part and of course a good concentration and showed that the Maronites of the largest platinum league. Too bad there is not the most mangy cup tournament as a team. Will win for sure. Congratulations to everyone that we found, as I said a few posts ago, that we can play with all the team well, despite revolutions are never the same. On a positive note between Skip all the goals from Matt that did not take three points but that crown exemplary behavior throughout the season. I hope and Deca Conve have realized how important they are for this team but this team is as important to them. We will see in upcoming games.
Greetings and see you at the weekend to view the ranking, making meetings and organize the dinner sponsor. Hello mythical
Vice - being
Monday, March 7, 2011
Do Warts And Herpes Look Alike
The best comics of 2010 (I think)
Il sito Lo Spazio Bianco mi ha chiesto di compilare una classifica dei fumetti migliori del 2010.
Nel loro sito ci sono regolamento , classifica definitiva e commento .
I fumetti migliori del 2010 secondo me:
Top 10
1. Cinquemila chilometri al secondo
Manuele Fior
Fior padroneggia il colore e tesse abilmente una trama giocata sugli scarti temporali. Tuttavia è nei dettagli più piccoli che sta il vero fascino di Cinquemila chilometri al secondo : una postura, un’esclamazione, uno sguardo… E il fumetto ha tanti dettagli quante sono le vignette…
2. Gaza: 1956
Joe Sacco
Abituato come sono alle brutture italiane mi sembra incredibile che un giornalista e un narratore di cronaca a fumetti sia rigoroso, intellettualmente onesto e capace di disegnare. Sarà l’aria di Malta.
3. Batman and Robin
Grant Morrison (testi) e AA.VV.
Grant Morrison si immerge nel flusso settantennale dei fumetti di Batman aggiungendo un nuovo tassello allo sterminato mito dell’Uomo Pipistrello, proiettandolo verso il futuro grazie a uno stile impeccabile e a una perfetta alchimia con disegnatori come Frank Quitely e Frazer Irving .
4. Mia mamma è in America, ha conosciuto Bufalo Bill
Jean Régnaud (testi) e Emile Bravo (disegni)
Attraverso il punto di vista ingenuo di un bambino si provano il dolore, il tormento e la gioia della vita, dell'amicizia, della crescita e della scoperta della morte, in un'opera amara e commovente.
5. Yeti
Alessandro Tota
Yeti è un’originale fusione di autobiografia e favola. L’autore, immigrato da Bari a Parigi, prende spunto dalle sue esperienze personali per raccontare la storia di un personaggio di fantasia che affascinerebbe qualunque bambino.
6. Rebetiko
David Prudhomme
La musica nasce libera di volare nell’aria: because it captures Groovin ', says Markos Vamvakaris. Persecuted by the Greek dictatorship by the mere fact of playing the rebetiko, can not hold the same fate to his melodies.
7. Interior
Interior is a kaleidoscope of designs that alternate with photographs, tables, first drawn and inked, it becomes bit, printed pages, and finally ashes of an odyssey that becomes an existential thriller, metanarrative and diary staff. Emerge from this turmoil a stand against the culture industry or a hypothetical Book of Bible religion entertainment?
8. The project Marvel
Ed Brubaker (lyrics) and Steve Epting (artist)
Brubaker and Epting marvelliana rework the mythology of the Second World War as they had done successfully on the Captain America series. A possible new cartoon is the insistent presence of annoying slogans like liberty, democracy and "The U.S. is good and will save you." I hope that the intention was only to replicate Brubaker patriotism propaganda cartoons of the Golden Age.
9. The theory of grain of sand
Schuiten François (text) and Benoit Peeters (drawings) between
Dall'affiatamento Schuiten and Peeters was born in a comic book researched and ambitious live together in a perfect way the passion of the authors per l’architettura e l’allegoria filosofica.
10. Valter Buio
Alessandro Bilotta (testi) e AA.VV.
Il formato bonellide fa pensare automaticamente a una quantità sterminata di eroi che impugnano perennemente pistole, fucili, asce e borsette imbottite di portaceneri di alabastro. Non che ce l’abbia con gli eroi armati, ma questo Valter Buio che in copertina tiene in mano un candelabro è una novità piacevole e quasi rivoluzionaria.
Menzione storica
1. Cerebus
Dave Sim
Sapere che Dave Sim ha scritto e disegnato questo fumetto al ritmo di 20 pagine al mese quando aveva 24 anni mi lascia semplicemente a bocca aperta.
2. Il Pellegrino Stars of
Carlos Trillo (text) and Enrique Breccia (artist)
epic and bombastic tone chosen by drawing intense Breccia and Trillo takes the reader on an adventure of the past.
3. Psycho Path sexualis
Miguel Angel Martin
finally closes the editorial and legal odyssey that in the '90s led to the arrest and trial of the publisher of the comic Jorge Vacca. The publishing history of the work reminds us once again as they suck the judiciary, Justice, State and Italy, and what is false that freedom of expression, the Western claim to possess but do not have.
Il sito Lo Spazio Bianco mi ha chiesto di compilare una classifica dei fumetti migliori del 2010.
Nel loro sito ci sono regolamento , classifica definitiva e commento .
I fumetti migliori del 2010 secondo me:
Top 10
1. Cinquemila chilometri al secondo
Manuele Fior
Fior padroneggia il colore e tesse abilmente una trama giocata sugli scarti temporali. Tuttavia è nei dettagli più piccoli che sta il vero fascino di Cinquemila chilometri al secondo : una postura, un’esclamazione, uno sguardo… E il fumetto ha tanti dettagli quante sono le vignette…
2. Gaza: 1956
Joe Sacco
Abituato come sono alle brutture italiane mi sembra incredibile che un giornalista e un narratore di cronaca a fumetti sia rigoroso, intellettualmente onesto e capace di disegnare. Sarà l’aria di Malta.
3. Batman and Robin
Grant Morrison (testi) e AA.VV.
Grant Morrison si immerge nel flusso settantennale dei fumetti di Batman aggiungendo un nuovo tassello allo sterminato mito dell’Uomo Pipistrello, proiettandolo verso il futuro grazie a uno stile impeccabile e a una perfetta alchimia con disegnatori come Frank Quitely e Frazer Irving .
4. Mia mamma è in America, ha conosciuto Bufalo Bill
Jean Régnaud (testi) e Emile Bravo (disegni)
Attraverso il punto di vista ingenuo di un bambino si provano il dolore, il tormento e la gioia della vita, dell'amicizia, della crescita e della scoperta della morte, in un'opera amara e commovente.
5. Yeti
Alessandro Tota
Yeti è un’originale fusione di autobiografia e favola. L’autore, immigrato da Bari a Parigi, prende spunto dalle sue esperienze personali per raccontare la storia di un personaggio di fantasia che affascinerebbe qualunque bambino.
6. Rebetiko
David Prudhomme
La musica nasce libera di volare nell’aria: because it captures Groovin ', says Markos Vamvakaris. Persecuted by the Greek dictatorship by the mere fact of playing the rebetiko, can not hold the same fate to his melodies.
7. Interior
Interior is a kaleidoscope of designs that alternate with photographs, tables, first drawn and inked, it becomes bit, printed pages, and finally ashes of an odyssey that becomes an existential thriller, metanarrative and diary staff. Emerge from this turmoil a stand against the culture industry or a hypothetical Book of Bible religion entertainment?
8. The project Marvel
Ed Brubaker (lyrics) and Steve Epting (artist)
Brubaker and Epting marvelliana rework the mythology of the Second World War as they had done successfully on the Captain America series. A possible new cartoon is the insistent presence of annoying slogans like liberty, democracy and "The U.S. is good and will save you." I hope that the intention was only to replicate Brubaker patriotism propaganda cartoons of the Golden Age.
9. The theory of grain of sand
Schuiten François (text) and Benoit Peeters (drawings) between
Dall'affiatamento Schuiten and Peeters was born in a comic book researched and ambitious live together in a perfect way the passion of the authors per l’architettura e l’allegoria filosofica.
10. Valter Buio
Alessandro Bilotta (testi) e AA.VV.
Il formato bonellide fa pensare automaticamente a una quantità sterminata di eroi che impugnano perennemente pistole, fucili, asce e borsette imbottite di portaceneri di alabastro. Non che ce l’abbia con gli eroi armati, ma questo Valter Buio che in copertina tiene in mano un candelabro è una novità piacevole e quasi rivoluzionaria.
Menzione storica
1. Cerebus
Dave Sim
Sapere che Dave Sim ha scritto e disegnato questo fumetto al ritmo di 20 pagine al mese quando aveva 24 anni mi lascia semplicemente a bocca aperta.
2. Il Pellegrino Stars of
Carlos Trillo (text) and Enrique Breccia (artist)
epic and bombastic tone chosen by drawing intense Breccia and Trillo takes the reader on an adventure of the past.
3. Psycho Path sexualis
Miguel Angel Martin
finally closes the editorial and legal odyssey that in the '90s led to the arrest and trial of the publisher of the comic Jorge Vacca. The publishing history of the work reminds us once again as they suck the judiciary, Justice, State and Italy, and what is false that freedom of expression, the Western claim to possess but do not have.
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Stan Goldberg, colorist of the first Fantastic Four, designed the cover of FF No 1
Stan Goldberg has designed a variant cover of FF - No Future Foundation 1, the new monthly from April will replace Fantastic Four.
colorist Stan Goldberg was the Fantastic Four No 1, 1961, and has established the color of characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk and Fantastic Four. In the '60s drew Patsy Walker and Millie the Model and since 1969, after having stopped working as a freelance for Marvel, the series Date with Debbie, Swing with Scooter Binky for DC Comics. Three years later he was hired by Archie Comics, for which he designed the Archie comics, Betty and Veronica for more than thirty years.
Other covers di FF n. 1 .
Dopo il Continua c'è la copertina disegnata da Stan Goldberg. Non guardate la copertina se non volete scoprire quale membro dei Fantastici Quattro è morto in Fantastic Four n. 587 .
Stan Goldberg has designed a variant cover of FF - No Future Foundation 1, the new monthly from April will replace Fantastic Four.
colorist Stan Goldberg was the Fantastic Four No 1, 1961, and has established the color of characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk and Fantastic Four. In the '60s drew Patsy Walker and Millie the Model and since 1969, after having stopped working as a freelance for Marvel, the series Date with Debbie, Swing with Scooter Binky for DC Comics. Three years later he was hired by Archie Comics, for which he designed the Archie comics, Betty and Veronica for more than thirty years.
Other covers di FF n. 1 .
Dopo il Continua c'è la copertina disegnata da Stan Goldberg. Non guardate la copertina se non volete scoprire quale membro dei Fantastici Quattro è morto in Fantastic Four n. 587 .
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Disability and comics; concorso Prestami la tua mano… per il mio sogno
Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare - Sezione di Bologna
Via San Leonardo 24, tel. 051 266013
Comunicato stampa
Prorogato a lunedì March 14 the deadline for participating in the Bologna and organized by UILDM Volabo to facilitate the matching of writers and young artists with disabilities
There is still a week's time to subscribe to "Lend me your hand ... to my dream" ( https: / / / site / fumettouildm ), the competition launched by UILDM of Bologna in collaboration with the Centre for Voluntary Service Volabo, to offer girls and boys with muscular dystrophy the chance to tell, get involved and make new friends.
The competition is open to designers and creative minds are invited to illustrate the scripts written by young people (and other) section of Bologna UILDM. These are stories of life, disability, but also stories of fantasy: the association has chosen to free the theme so as not to give no limit to creativity.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to Monday, March 14. For the execution and delivery of the comics there instead until the end of April, almost two months, in which designer e sceneggiatore lavoreranno in coppia, sia per elaborare e arricchire insieme la storia, sia per conoscersi l’un con l’altro. A seconda delle esigenze, gli incontri si faranno a casa, nella sede della Uildm o in un altro luogo comodo per entrambi, con eventuali rimborsi spese per le trasferte.
I migliori lavori, scelti da una giuria di qualità composta da esperti e autori, saranno raccolti in un catalogo e verranno esposti in una mostra organizzata presso lo spazio Eureka dell’Ipercoop Centro Lame.
Per informazioni e iscrizioni:
Uildm - sezione di Bologna, tel. 051 266013, sito , e-mail .
Cola Stained White Shirt
I vincitori del concorso di Flashfumetto "Siamo lieti di averla tra noi – I racconti di Stefano Benni a fumetti"
Comunicato stampa
Comunicato stampa
Oltre 140 le opere in gara per il concorso “ Siamo lieti di averla tra noi – I racconti di Stefano Benni a fumetti ” lanciato a livello nazionale attraverso il portale e promosso dal Progetto Giovani – Area Vivibilità Urbana del Comune di Bologna in collaborazione con Hamelin Associazione Culturale:
Giovedì 3 marzo 2011, nell’ambito the fifth edition of BilBolBul - International Festival of Comics were declared the winners.
The jury, composed by Luca Boschi , writer, artist and journalist, David Reviati , cartoonist, illustrator and painter, Alberto Sebastiani , journalist and lecturer at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna and Thunder Pettinat or a cartoonist, one of the founders of SUPERAMICI has so evaluated the 45 selected works and exhibited at the Sala Borsa. The competition involved authors aged between 15 and 35 years, engaged in a short cartoon to represent one of the tales of Stefano Benni tratti dalle raccolte Il bar sotto il mare , L’ultima lacrima e La grammatica di Dio .
Questi i risultati del concorso:
Prima classificata , con un adattamento del racconto “I due pescatori”, è Francesca Popolizio , 28 anni. Parlando delle motivazioni che l’hanno portata a scegliere questo racconto, riferisce: «Ho scelto un racconto da La grammatica di Dio perché ci sono storie sulla solitudine narrate con un tono dolce, non struggente. Molte erano adatte a essere "impastate" con le immagini ma nei I due pescatori c'era una tenerezza che mi andava di fare mia. Parto sempre da una sensazione che mi va di raccontare».
A Francesca è stato anche assegnato il Premio Iceberg – giovani artisti a Bologna, che consiste in una residenza artistica a Bourdeaux presso Écla - écrit cinéma livre audiovisuel, grazie a una collaborazione tra il Comune di Bologna e la Regione Aquitania, gemellata con la Regione Emilia-Romagna.
Secondo posto per Roberta “Sakka” Sacchi , 22 anni, con l’opera “Nonno Leonino non deve morire”. «Adoro Stefano Benni», ha rivelato l’autrice, «e confrontarmi con le idee di un grande autore mi ha aiutato a migliorare le mie. Confrontando il mio linguaggio con il suo racconto ho tentato di rappresentare le mie sensazioni e la mia immaginazione sulla vicenda. È così che nonno Leonino per me è diventato una persona in carne ed ossa».
Al terzo posto troviamo invece una vecchia conoscenza di Flashfumetto, Daniel Cuello , 28 anni, già vincitore del concorso dell’anno scorso, “The Sound of Pixel”. Della sua opera, “La legge del re”, l’artista rivela: «Leggo Benni fin da quando andavo a scuola: il suo mondo mi ha sempre affascinato, grottesco e realistico, come lo sono i miei racconti and my drawings. I have been one of his characters more real and present: a powerful man, an autocrat used to check the reality that his people should hear. Or maybe not, maybe it's just a madman locked in his palace, surrounded by an easement accommodating. Who knows. "
For the originality in the declination of the theme of the competition, were also reported the following artists:
- Gaspare Baglio, 30 years and Simone Cortesi, 23, with the work "Two fishermen 2.0 "
- David Jenkins, 15 years, with the work" Lombritticoetica "
- Alberto Giammaruco , 30, with "The crossing of the old men - twenty-three years after"
- Lisa Lazzaretti , 26, works with "coincidences"
- Nicholas Tonelli, 20, with the work "Shimizé"
The exhibition of 45 selected works will continue until March 15, 2011.
The competition was created under the Local Plans Young - Metropolitan Cities , promoted and supported by the Department of Youth - Prime Minister , in collaboration with the ' ANCI - National Association of Italian . Here you can browse
all the works of participants in the contest, here you can see the video of the award Codec created by TV, and finally here you can read the complete announcement .
The three winning entries were published also in the newborn Fanpage official Stefano Benni on Facebook.
Giovedì 3 marzo 2011, nell’ambito the fifth edition of BilBolBul - International Festival of Comics were declared the winners.
The jury, composed by Luca Boschi , writer, artist and journalist, David Reviati , cartoonist, illustrator and painter, Alberto Sebastiani , journalist and lecturer at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna and Thunder Pettinat or a cartoonist, one of the founders of SUPERAMICI has so evaluated the 45 selected works and exhibited at the Sala Borsa. The competition involved authors aged between 15 and 35 years, engaged in a short cartoon to represent one of the tales of Stefano Benni tratti dalle raccolte Il bar sotto il mare , L’ultima lacrima e La grammatica di Dio .
Questi i risultati del concorso:
Prima classificata , con un adattamento del racconto “I due pescatori”, è Francesca Popolizio , 28 anni. Parlando delle motivazioni che l’hanno portata a scegliere questo racconto, riferisce: «Ho scelto un racconto da La grammatica di Dio perché ci sono storie sulla solitudine narrate con un tono dolce, non struggente. Molte erano adatte a essere "impastate" con le immagini ma nei I due pescatori c'era una tenerezza che mi andava di fare mia. Parto sempre da una sensazione che mi va di raccontare».
A Francesca è stato anche assegnato il Premio Iceberg – giovani artisti a Bologna, che consiste in una residenza artistica a Bourdeaux presso Écla - écrit cinéma livre audiovisuel, grazie a una collaborazione tra il Comune di Bologna e la Regione Aquitania, gemellata con la Regione Emilia-Romagna.
Secondo posto per Roberta “Sakka” Sacchi , 22 anni, con l’opera “Nonno Leonino non deve morire”. «Adoro Stefano Benni», ha rivelato l’autrice, «e confrontarmi con le idee di un grande autore mi ha aiutato a migliorare le mie. Confrontando il mio linguaggio con il suo racconto ho tentato di rappresentare le mie sensazioni e la mia immaginazione sulla vicenda. È così che nonno Leonino per me è diventato una persona in carne ed ossa».
Al terzo posto troviamo invece una vecchia conoscenza di Flashfumetto, Daniel Cuello , 28 anni, già vincitore del concorso dell’anno scorso, “The Sound of Pixel”. Della sua opera, “La legge del re”, l’artista rivela: «Leggo Benni fin da quando andavo a scuola: il suo mondo mi ha sempre affascinato, grottesco e realistico, come lo sono i miei racconti and my drawings. I have been one of his characters more real and present: a powerful man, an autocrat used to check the reality that his people should hear. Or maybe not, maybe it's just a madman locked in his palace, surrounded by an easement accommodating. Who knows. "
For the originality in the declination of the theme of the competition, were also reported the following artists:
- Gaspare Baglio, 30 years and Simone Cortesi, 23, with the work "Two fishermen 2.0 "
- David Jenkins, 15 years, with the work" Lombritticoetica "
- Alberto Giammaruco , 30, with "The crossing of the old men - twenty-three years after"
- Lisa Lazzaretti , 26, works with "coincidences"
- Nicholas Tonelli, 20, with the work "Shimizé"
The exhibition of 45 selected works will continue until March 15, 2011.
The competition was created under the Local Plans Young - Metropolitan Cities , promoted and supported by the Department of Youth - Prime Minister , in collaboration with the ' ANCI - National Association of Italian . Here you can browse
all the works of participants in the contest, here you can see the video of the award Codec created by TV, and finally here you can read the complete announcement .
The three winning entries were published also in the newborn Fanpage official Stefano Benni on Facebook.
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Polemiche dopo Mantova Comics and Games
Cartoonists , stand and visitors have turned fiery criticism of the latest edition Mantova Comics and Games held in the Lombard city 25 to 27 February.
The recipients of the complaints were managers Palabam :
" On the negative side, the whole management of the fair by those of Palabam was terrible.
mind you, not to mention those of the organization Mantova Comics, but the staff employed by the same structure and, in particular those involved in the management of inputs.
unpleasant, stupid and peasants, all of them, the girls in the ticket box-credits to the two old men in tuxedos and Members to control inputs. Even the bartenders were quite unkind. [by Ace Merrill ]
" End of bracelet / stamp
not get past the gates of Palabam, if only to download purchases in the car, to begin again. I leave you only thinking of the consequences that has had such a brilliant sales. If you had a backpack full of yourself you kept him on their shoulders to the exit. If you had tables
made by the authors of your business.
All this speculation: the aim was to maximize the internal affairs of the bar (all blocked and finished with the sandwiches), to the detriment of the street outside. [by IAF ]
The Exhibitors have written the following open letter: We, the undersigned exhibitor
the exhibition "Mantova Comics" complaining that it was inappropriate to prevent the visitors to return after leaving the structure even when provided with free entry voucher to pay again to enter the following obvious reasons:
- the inability to store drive their purchases has caused a clear limit to the ability to continue spending;
- the absence within the structure of an ATM has further worsened the situation
- the lack of electrical outlets (up free last year and this year proposed a price incommentabili) made it impossible to use POS equipment dealers, since there is the possibility to reload;
- the feeling of "caging" this event has made hateful to the public;
Considering that this choice was made solely for the purpose of increasing the bar should be noted that:
- Friday afternoon the bar was not even shown up to, consideranco that despite the very low turnout had even finished the sandwiches!
- waiting for a cup of coffee has reached biblical times, especially discouraging the exhibitors (who pay, dear, the house to look for work, not to sit at the bar);
- even if you tried to justify the choice to avoid fraud to the inputs, the duty that every detail is fair, except for this one, can handle the same situation without any trap;
It all adds up to a chronic inability and unwillingness to accept criticism and disinterest of the exhibitors (for example of the disastrous situation on the historically useless Friday), aggravated and uncomfortable choice of bracelets dall'inedita pass as well as by the bursting of the rude and impolite to control staff.
We therefore invite the property to reconsider these decisions for future events, and
possible to consider any form of compensation for the inconvenience and damage, to avoid massive defections from exhibitors. Sincerely
(list follows).
nb. We apologize for the "form" of this letter, also written previously on the computer, but we were unable to find an answering machine, a credit or a "per area" equipped with a printer.
TUTTOFUMETTO-library, Monfalcone (GO)
-Antani Comics, Terni
Starshop-Distribution, Perugia
-Edizioni Star Comics
-Fumetteria Maranello
Editor-Victor Pavesio
-Edizioni Grifo Edizioni Voilier
-Bookmaker Comics
-Q Press
-BBL Fumetti
-Compralo Subito
-Jaku Toys
-Millennium Shop
-Spettoli Giancarlo
-Piacenza Fumetti
-Sola Adriana
-Tesori di Carta
-Fumetteria Clover
-Any Pop Games
-Magic Planet
-Videogiochi per passione
-Revolver Games
-David'S Store
-Fais Michele
-Beta Games
-Crazy Video
-Kappa Edizioni
-Ronin Manga
-Ottavio Lo Vecchio
-Drawers 2.0
-Martin 's Comics
-Taccolini Mario - Books Arcadia
-Centro Fumetto Andrea Pazienza
-Anime Ciak
We emphasize that, apart Sandwiches Comics, Alastor, Renoir and Domino City, who have chosen not to accede to this, all the other exhibitors have firmato perché non contattati per limiti di tempo (la redazione della presente e la relativa raccolta firme hanno impegnato svariati espositori “volontari” per tutta la giornata di domenica). E' libera, in ogni caso, la facoltà di aderire, inviando una mail a
Cartoonists , stand and visitors have turned fiery criticism of the latest edition Mantova Comics and Games held in the Lombard city 25 to 27 February.
The recipients of the complaints were managers Palabam :
" On the negative side, the whole management of the fair by those of Palabam was terrible.
mind you, not to mention those of the organization Mantova Comics, but the staff employed by the same structure and, in particular those involved in the management of inputs.
unpleasant, stupid and peasants, all of them, the girls in the ticket box-credits to the two old men in tuxedos and Members to control inputs. Even the bartenders were quite unkind. [by Ace Merrill ]
" End of bracelet / stamp
not get past the gates of Palabam, if only to download purchases in the car, to begin again. I leave you only thinking of the consequences that has had such a brilliant sales. If you had a backpack full of yourself you kept him on their shoulders to the exit. If you had tables
made by the authors of your business.
All this speculation: the aim was to maximize the internal affairs of the bar (all blocked and finished with the sandwiches), to the detriment of the street outside. [by IAF ]
The Exhibitors have written the following open letter: We, the undersigned exhibitor
the exhibition "Mantova Comics" complaining that it was inappropriate to prevent the visitors to return after leaving the structure even when provided with free entry voucher to pay again to enter the following obvious reasons:
- the inability to store drive their purchases has caused a clear limit to the ability to continue spending;
- the absence within the structure of an ATM has further worsened the situation
- the lack of electrical outlets (up free last year and this year proposed a price incommentabili) made it impossible to use POS equipment dealers, since there is the possibility to reload;
- the feeling of "caging" this event has made hateful to the public;
Considering that this choice was made solely for the purpose of increasing the bar should be noted that:
- Friday afternoon the bar was not even shown up to, consideranco that despite the very low turnout had even finished the sandwiches!
- waiting for a cup of coffee has reached biblical times, especially discouraging the exhibitors (who pay, dear, the house to look for work, not to sit at the bar);
- even if you tried to justify the choice to avoid fraud to the inputs, the duty that every detail is fair, except for this one, can handle the same situation without any trap;
It all adds up to a chronic inability and unwillingness to accept criticism and disinterest of the exhibitors (for example of the disastrous situation on the historically useless Friday), aggravated and uncomfortable choice of bracelets dall'inedita pass as well as by the bursting of the rude and impolite to control staff.
We therefore invite the property to reconsider these decisions for future events, and
possible to consider any form of compensation for the inconvenience and damage, to avoid massive defections from exhibitors. Sincerely
(list follows).
nb. We apologize for the "form" of this letter, also written previously on the computer, but we were unable to find an answering machine, a credit or a "per area" equipped with a printer.
TUTTOFUMETTO-library, Monfalcone (GO)
-Antani Comics, Terni
Starshop-Distribution, Perugia
-Edizioni Star Comics
-Fumetteria Maranello
Editor-Victor Pavesio
-Edizioni Grifo Edizioni Voilier
-Bookmaker Comics
-Q Press
-BBL Fumetti
-Compralo Subito
-Jaku Toys
-Millennium Shop
-Spettoli Giancarlo
-Piacenza Fumetti
-Sola Adriana
-Tesori di Carta
-Fumetteria Clover
-Any Pop Games
-Magic Planet
-Videogiochi per passione
-Revolver Games
-David'S Store
-Fais Michele
-Beta Games
-Crazy Video
-Kappa Edizioni
-Ronin Manga
-Ottavio Lo Vecchio
-Drawers 2.0
-Martin 's Comics
-Taccolini Mario - Books Arcadia
-Centro Fumetto Andrea Pazienza
-Anime Ciak
We emphasize that, apart Sandwiches Comics, Alastor, Renoir and Domino City, who have chosen not to accede to this, all the other exhibitors have firmato perché non contattati per limiti di tempo (la redazione della presente e la relativa raccolta firme hanno impegnato svariati espositori “volontari” per tutta la giornata di domenica). E' libera, in ogni caso, la facoltà di aderire, inviando una mail a
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