Sunday, February 6, 2011

Videso De Samantha Anderson

permanent center of gravity

A Bologna, come nel resto d'Italia, i politici di destra e di sinistra 
sono convinti che al centro si vince. Ma è davvero così? 
La ricerca del centro evoca la vecchia hit di Battiato...

U na vecchia favola
Dice che qui si sta bene
La sinistra tiene
Perché guarda Candidates in the middle ...
courageous politicians
Furbi duel.
Activists Euclidean
Clothing Dolce & Gabbana
To get to court
Of electors
Della political trash!

C ERCO a permanent center of gravity
make me vote for a bit 'all
Here in Bologna and is a winner of the elections ...
Seeking a permanent center of gravity
make me vote for a bit 'all
Here in Bologna and is winning
Over and over again!

P er
the streets of Bologna will be the days of May and we will vote
Dreaming of a mirage.
not stand crowded
Give me back the fake rock
The Italian new wave punk free jazz
The English
And the black African!

C ERCO a permanent center of gravity
make me vote for a bit 'all
Here in Bologna and is a winner of the elections ...


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