Eve in the Democratic Party primary, and many no longer believe.
In Bologna who regrets the CEV there is little to understand
as Sinatra sang ...
as Sinatra sang ...
I many genes are
here but some neurons
are not there, we are all stupid.
disappointed or not disappointed
I always do my part in the primaries but perhaps
I will let down the cards. However, the CEV
I remember him
but it is a memory that makes me suffer ...
And there is nothing to understand!
B ologna has many political
bet everyone is lost in the mirror every morning
I love her problems but they do not understand
seem distracted and maybe let me down.
But the CEV was the best weddings
was crazy ...
And there is nothing to understand!
E ' too long friends
here playing chess
nobody is winning and it seems crazy.
But I did not know who was playing
I can give it to you won
and keep my life.
But if the CEV to return one day
perhaps you shoot with a gun ...
And there is nothing to understand!
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