Do not you sick of Bolognese The fan is disappointed. The team is almost bankrupt
but think of the illuminations and the Democratic Party primaries.
And the anger explodes with the voice of Sugar ...
N you stand on more, really! ...
M how do I tell you I have to throw
ask, what do I do then
my heart and in your pocket while you are preparing to primary
but the words are secondary
see, I am exhausted
Bologna is celebrating
and I'm down !
N on you really sick of
am here waiting the bus in the cold! There
stand safer
I have taken the blue sky!
Q hen the Bologna almost failed
even commented he felt
see, I no longer believe I have the lights
but I'm down!
(Hurry up) ... but how do I
(Hurry up) ...
to tell you (Hurry up) ... I throw myself
(Hurry up) ... dall'Asinelli?
see, I am exhausted
Bologna è in festa
e io sono giù!
E ci credevo, accidenti a me
non ho capito, allora sai che c'è?
io quasi quasi non voterò
dicevo sì e adesso dico no!
N on vi sopporto più davvero
son qui che aspetto il bus nel gelo!
Non vi sopporto più sicuro
ma sono rossoblù, c’ho il pelo!!