Notizie del Giorno* :
Roma - Il giorno dopo l'annuncio da parte di Air France-Klm di abbandonare la partita Alitalia, il commissariamento della società e il rischio bancarotta si fanno più concreti. Esponenti della Lega affermano che l'unico scopo di Air France era quello di eliminare la concorrenza di Malpensa. Il Pdl intanto chiede il prestito ponte, per dare il tempo a chi fosse interessato all'acquisto, di analizzare i conti di Alitalia. Certo che se per analizzare i conti non bastano 16 mesi (dal January 2007) I probably should not sell the company to those who have serious mathematical shortcomings.
The hypothesis is still roped in the air, a little 'less than that of the Russian Aeroflot: Putin has enjoyed the spectacle of Bagaglino offered by Berlusconi, but until Aida Yespica does a striptease for the private Russian leader, nothing to do with Alitalia .
If the Italian company will fail, it will be a blow to the employees who voted for Berlusconi. But ever since the disappointment of AC Milan in less than a week have seen Ronaldinho affair
Ostuni - A decapitated head of a horse was made to find the study of the engineer Vincent Pomes, Democratic vice-mayor of Ostuni. Now the mafia are well nice, quoting the Godfather. It was not enough, which enter into the Senate?
Rome - Someone has won Big Brother. But the important thing is that this year is over.
Milan - Austria's Red Bull will soon enter the market for soft drinks, throwing the challenge to Coca Cola and Pepsi with his Red Bull Cola. The price will be higher than its competitors and the ingredients are all natural, such as coca leaves, where the law permits. Pepsi will be watching: discontinued all supplies of soft drinks with coca growers in Colombia. Coca Cola instead says his secret ingredient is the leaf but the love of coca, which is synthesized directly by human tears. Have you ever tasted your tears? Sweet taste familiar?
* WARNING: All information herein is only appreciated by 39% of the sample.