ROME - "There are demonstrations against the government and thus is given the sensitivity of each minister to decide whether to go to the streets." So Silvio Sircana, a spokesman for one of the Prodi government, said the official line executive for the event on Saturday in defense of civil rights for gays and organized by the associations that defend the family, the Catholic organizations want to organize later this month. No explicit invitation of the Prime Minister to stay at home, as it was in Vicenza, Prodi when intimate ministers and junior ministers to refrain from the square? So the government will be present in both the event 'Rights Now! "And the Family Day, the day pro-Dico e a quella anti-Dico. «Ufficialmente le due manifestazioni non sono anti- governative, sono a sostegno di un provvedimento del governo e delle politiche per la famiglia», argomenta Sircana. E poi dovesse spuntare un cartello contro Prodi? «Non cambia nulla».
IN PIAZZA — E così hanno annunciato che si faranno vedere domani a piazza Farnese a Roma Paolo Ferrero, ministro della Solidarietà sociale, e Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, leader dei Verdi oltre che ministro dell'Ambiente, che interverrà al dibattito finale e che spiega: «Sarà un'iniziativa a sostegno di un testo del governo. Non è una manifestazione di protesta. Ci auguriamo che anche il Family day diventi una manifestazione in support of the family policies of the government. " In its own way will also attend the Minister for Equal Opportunities Barbara Pollastrini, which will be in connection with the plaza from Milan. While other ministers have chosen not to remove the DS. Instead join in Family Day - as announced - Minister Giuseppe Fioroni and the Minister of Justice Clemente Mastella. Yesterday, the forum of Catholic associations has postponed its decision on the convening of the meeting: first - agreed yesterday the leaders of the groups - there will be a document of intent, but the Family Day remains one of the 'action potential'. And the bishops to "encourage," he said yesterday, the secretary of the CEI Giuseppe Betori: "If the Italian Catholics think they can say aloud what their vision of the family and what they believe may obscure the view, I think due from them and encouraged by us."
CLASH - The participation of Ministers has already created some tension in the government. It was Clemente Mastella, to keep up the controversy: "Because I see that the ministers of my government will participate in the demonstration on Saturday - said the Minister of Justice - it seems obvious that I participate in the support of family policies. Before I was perplexed by a matter of institutional correctness, but I see others go. I do not see why I should not ... It is a challenge and eventually we'll see who will win. " In addition to ministers tomorrow in the square there will be as under-secretaries and Luigi Manconi Paolo Cento, as party leader Enrico Boselli, Marco Pannella and Oliviero Diliberto, deputies and senators, "I'm more than a hundred subscriptions to an appeal to the Members' Accession to the event, "announces honorary president Franco Grillini Arcigay.
politicians - have joined among others the entire group of rc, Verdi, PDCI, Rose in the Fist. There are also many MPs the DS: are announced Marina Sereni, Gavino Angius, Olga D'Antona, Luciano Violante, Carlo Leoni. Rome mayor Walter Veltroni gave the patronage of the City but there will be the secretary of the Oak Piero Fassino, engaged in party congresses. Margaret came from the accession of Christmas D'Amico and Pina Picierno, leader of the young. Will be in place even some opposition representative. And some have chosen to Giorgio La Malfa to write to the organizers to announce that, while not participating, I say vote anyway. CORRIERE.IT
MY COMMENT: This is Italy ........ country enslaved for centuries religious institution which rules on par with the various governments that succeed in real Montecitorio ...... . The Act, which indicates behavioral guidelines for Catholic politicians, use a newspaper to say what they approve and what does not approve of government policy and sometimes haranguing the crowds from the balcony of St. Peter's ....
And in cases like this, to prevent a law of justice and fairness, present in most civilized countries of the world body to take ....... Yuck!